The Linkables

Source: the talented Lauren

Welcome to a leap year special of the Linkables, which is just going to be like any other Linkables aside from the every-four-years-date. February has been a great month for me: I spent a few days in Amsterdam with Hayley, had a Galentine's Brunch with Girl Geek Brunch Glasgow and bought Bruce Spingsteen tickets for June. Needless to say March is a month where I'll have to save rather than spend. 

Anyway, enough about my bank balance (or lack of it) links! 

Veganism & Food

Meat-flavoured snacks that are accidentally vegan. Nom nom.

I usually use nutritional yeast as a parmesan substitute, but Sarah's review of Good Karma Vegan Parmesan has me intrigued.

Something for the Scottish cooked breakfast: a tattie scone recipe.

Make your friends think you're a wine aficionado with this cheat guide.


If you need more proof that AirBnB has more fun accommodation possibilities than a hotel website, the news that the American Horror Story mansion is available for rent should do it.

Portland has always been on my travel bucket list and the news that a vegan supermarket will be opening soon has just bumped it up.

And on the note of travel: I recently took my first holiday in almost four years. I didn't travel for four years, not because I'm boring or don't live life to the full but because I didn't earn enough. Stop pretending everyone can travel - it's a privilege, not a right.

Love, Sex & Relationships

I do things myself quite a lot - I'm not going to miss out on something just because I can't find a buddy - but I wish people would drop the stigma of doing things alone

Currently dealing with requited love? It's never easy, but here's how to deal with it in a compassionate and respectful (even feminist) way

Preach: getting married is not an accomplishment.

Stuck for something to do with your spiritual other-half? Here's 22 tarot-inspired date ideas

Word: what to really look for in a friendship or life partner.

But on the topic of relationship advice: it's sometimes just luck

A reminder that an abusive relationship can happen to the smartest and funniest woman you know.


The oatmeal is pretty much the best thing the internet has ever had. This dog comic on how daft the creatures are is probably one of the best.

Some interesting, some lol: rare events happening in 2016

Looking for some new graphic novels to read? Here's 14 that all women should read

I've always been good with money and understand why savings are important, but being made redundant last year really hit it home. I've actually stashed quite a bit of my redundancy pay as emergency money or, in other words, a fuck-off fund

As an introvert who still likes going out I understand the daily struggles of an extroverted introvert

My last link is actually a bit of a personal plug: I've been writing comic reviews for The Big Glasgow Comic Page since December and my author page is now building up. I mainly concentrate on comics aimed at teenagers and a female audience (as if you didn't see that coming). This is what I've written so far