The Linkables


How has everyone's first month of 2016 been? I've been busy, but it has been a very fulfilling and good busy and I'm still buzzing at a lot of the new changes in my life. As mentioned at the start of the year my blog will be becoming a lot more about quality rather than quantity and, as such, Linkables will become a monthly thing. And here it is, the first Linkables of 2016 - I hope you enjoy! 

Geek & Pop Culture

I've always considered myself a DC girl - great storylines, believable characters and awesomely inclusive. Here's a history of LGBT characters from the DC Universe

More graphic novels for my to-read list: 25 graphic novels written by women

Food & Drink

As a bartender I can tell you there's a lot more to serving wine than just pouring. Here's a guide to serving with sophistication

So many recipes are for four people. So I totally bookmarked this Indian meal for one recipe


A quick article from a sexual health nurse: I've seen enough genitals to know we are all truly unique

Sex & Relationships

Blogging, marketing & social media

For your bookmarks: popular hashtags for each blog type

Even as a small-time blogger I could relate: The sad economics of internet fame

My blog and Instagram gets a bit quieter in the winter, partially because the darker nights mean less natural lighting for blog posts. Here's 5 tips to improve blog photos in winter


Advice I could have done with back in 2007: 5 tips for making the most of university open days

My most recent blog post was defending TV as a legitimate hobby, and in the same vein Olivia has a post on making more time for TV

So...I don't actually believe in Feng Shui, but I've always loved the concept. Here's how to carry out a 10-minute feng shui makeover

Just try and ignore that this is on the MAC website because it's a really good article: America's sweetheart of smut Stoya talks about what beauty means to her. (NSFW)

Late people really wind me up the wrong way. However, this article on what makes some people chronically late has helped me understand why I should be more sympathetic. 

Hahahahahahaha: periods aren't that gross

Sports gear is one of the hardest things to buy ethically, so I always love coming across guides to help me along the way

Have a fabulous February!