The Linkables

Happy Friday everyone! I'm all recovered from my trip to London last weekend and now ready for a weekend of Scottish Green Party conferencing and a pub crawl of the Glasgow rock clubs. Tomorrow I will be publishing my first London related blog post but for now here are some of my favourite links from around the web this week! 

Feminism & Equality

One woman's story on what it's like to live with HIV

I've never liked the SNP much, mainly because they've always tried to be too many things to too many people. This piece on why nationalism is not enough for the SNP is spot on

An often overlooked potential cause of mass-shootings: masculinity

Remember the artcile from Cosmo a while back about the woman who moaned about being pretty? Something sat with me about that amongst the backlash. Why are we so uncomfortable with a woman who knows she's pretty?

Blogging, Marketing & Business

If you're heading to a job interview, here are some body language tricks to keep in mind

I've been lucky to receive blog partnership offers from a wide range of brands. However, I turned down a lot of other offers. Here's Steph's guide on when it's best to politely say 'no thanks'. 

I used to love the idea of becoming a full-time blogger, until I became a part-time blogger and I understood the realities behind it. Here's Zoe London's honest words on being a full-time blogger.  

If any of my crafty friends are attending craft fairs this Christmas period, here's some tips on making the most of it

Relationships & Dating

The urge to Facebook stalk an ex is huuggeeeeee. But some of us are more likely to do it than others

I've been asked a few times why I don't cover the intersection of veganism and sex. I've toyed with this but until then The Lusty Vegan fills this niche.  

I've dated an extrovert...once. And that will probably remain once. But here's some tips for extroverts dating introverts anyway.


If you're pumpkin carving this Halloween, here's a grown up baking challenge to complete with the leftovers

It isn't just your bra size you need to know to get a comfortable fit. Familiarise yourself with the best bra shape for your boobs.

When I was a dancer at university I wish I carried this article about in my pocket: What is Dance Science? 

I used AirBnB for my trip to London, but only after a work colleague told me they had used it and came home in one piece. Here's an interesting look at trust in the digital age

My favourite thing on YouTube: one big long phone call between 57 movie characters.

You know that Pinterest image that informs you that you have the same hours in a day as Beyoncé? Yeah....about that