The Linkables

Once upon a time....

How was your week guys? I spent the last week chilling and planning next week's trip to London. This weekend I'll be out and about at the MCM Comic Con Scotland (holla if you're going) and deciding which vegan event I want to attend out the several happening. 

But first, here's some links! It's quite a mixed bag this week so I'm not working them into categories this time around. 

The biggest headache I had when planning my London trip was finding somewhere to stay in the city itself without too much pain to my bank balance. I settle on using AirBnB for the first time but I'm bookmarking for future trips

Instagram death match: Rosé versus avocado toast

In more morbid news I've always gravitated towards a natural burial, but I've never considered being a tree?  

Break-ups are shit. And one of the hardest things to work out is to be friends or not with the ex. This writer argues you should be 'nothing' with your ex

Something I've always wanted to own but probably won't ever realistically buy is a campervan. Maybe the re-released electric version of the Volkswagen campervan

I'm always on the look-out for indie comics, and I'm so glad I have Lauren on my blog feed to recommend new reads to me

Dundee has a lot more to offer locals and visitors than you might think. Helen has a round-up of pop-up shops happening soon in the city

If you're looking for your next Netflix binge, maybe one of these Scottish options will take your fancy

It feels as though all films and celebrities collaborate with make-up brands which test on animals, but there's rumour about an Urban Decay and Gwen Stefani range

I sometimes think the illustrations on the GBBO look better than the cakes, and here's the guy who creates them

It's always irked me when people mock unusual names. Because 1) it's hurtful (I know this firsthand) 2) it's rude and 3) in many circumstances it's racist

It's safe to say I'm a long term singleton, but if you're new to the single life here's how to rock your new lifestyle