In My Shower #1

Have you ever looked at your collection of something any wondered "Why do I own so much of this one particular thing?"

Anyone who has a hobby which involves physically buying things will probably eventually wonder why they own so much of it. This is probably true for people who blog about a particular topic. Whether you're a fashion blogger who's wardrobe is filling out or a book blogger who has just purchased their third IKEA bookshelf, you're probably hearing me. 

For me, I own a lot of beauty products. It comes with the title of being a beauty blogger, afterall. However most of my collection can be kept neatly away in a box. My nail varnishes all fit in travel make-up bag and my face make-up still fits in a pretty box I found in TKMaxx. But the out of the control collection is probably my shower gel collection. 

I'm not entirely sure why I own a lot of shower gels. It's not like make-up which visibly changes my appearance when in public; it's not obvious to my workmates whether I washed with plain non-fragranced soap that morning or a pineapple and mango fushion with jojoba oil (they only care that I actually washed). I'm not even sure why I'm writing such a big intro to a blog post where I take you on a mini-tour of my shower via my DLSR. I think I just want to forewarn and justify my spending habits on soap. 

But, anyway. Currently in my shower I have six haircare products, three face care products and thirteen shower gel and scrubs. (Also, I have more shower gels in a cupboard, which is full and needs cleared out. Quite a few of these are birthday and Christmas presents because I'm one of those cheap people for who a Superdrug shower set actually is a good present). And to clarify this is actually all mine. I have en-suite cause I'm fancy so even though there's enough products here for a family of four (and their visiting cousin) it's actually all mine for me alone. 

Many of these products you've probably seen before, but I'm treating this post as one of those unedited 'what's really in my shower/bag/room posts'. And to clarify some of these products were presents and out of goody bag and whilst I've clarified no animal testing has went on not all products are made with 100% vegan/plant ingredients.

The bottom row of my shower has mainly hair care and face care products, plus two soaps in the bottom corner. I have my Au Lait Shampoo from the Scottish Fine Soaps Company (which is one of my favourite shampoos ever, but I haven't had vegan clarification so using it very slowly until it runs out though the brand is cruelty-free) and by that I have one of my Faith in Nature Shampoos (which is also a great buy). I also have the Superdrug limited edition Pear Drops shampoo and conditioner which I bought just last week and is also a great buy. At the end I have Keratin protein which I got in a goody bag ages ago and use as a weekly treatment. In the bottom corner have the Pure Chimp Super Shampoo Bar. The face washes I have on that shelf are the Conscious skincare Neautralize face wash, the Agronauti face wash and the Nude Purifying face wash. I've reviewed all of these and you'll notice that they all fall into the 'okay' category but I don't like waste products so I'm finishing them up before I purchase more (my skincare purchasing habits are not the same as my body gel purchasing habits). The two soaps in the bottom corner are the Pure Chimp soap bar and a geeky Tar Trek soap from Venus's Vault (who sadly got moved to my grey area on my cruelty-free brand list).

On the top we have a tray which is completely shower gels and scrubs. So much shower gels that you can't even see all of them despite my careful arranging for the photo. The tall white bottle at the left is the Arbonne SeaSpa which is one of my favourite shower gels ever. It's pricey and I still have it left over from my Consultant days because I love it so much that I only use it oh so sparingly (I feel squeaky clean after using it. Good for after the gym or a festival). In front of it is a Royal Jelly showergel from a Marks & Spencer's gift set I received from my aunt last Christmas which I only just opened last month. The two yellow bottles to the side are a small Arran Aromatics bottle that I got in the #ScotBlogMeet goody bag and behind it is a Lime & Pineapple Faith in Nature shower gel from a kit I got last Christmas. The clear bottle to the side is a Tesco showergel from my previous flatmate on my last birthday which is branded as Botany (and will be one of the few shower gels I've not reviewed - it falls into the okay category). To the side I have the Treacle Moon Vanilla and Coconut shower scrubs which you might recoginse as I reviewed them very recently (they're also the ones I seem to be reaching for the most as of late). And finally to the side we have two products which have also been left over from my Arbonne days - a shower gel and shower scrub from their Aromassentials range. I admittedly rate these as quite averagely and don't find myself reaching for them that often - the scrub has moisturising properties similar to baby oil and makes my shower floor really slippy! 

And this still doesn't count what is laying on the shower floor. Cause all that stuff is almost finished and I decided to leave it out. But it's mainly Faith in Nature shampoos. 

And even though they're super plain, my shower trays came from Matalan. In case anyone was wondering...