Burgers at Lebowskis, Finnieston

I do like a good vegetable burger. However, very often a simple veggie burger is the default non-meat option at restaurants so I occasionally roll my eyes at them. So when Lebowskis was the place picked for a work night out I wasn't very sure how I felt about a bar/restaurant who's menu was 100% burgers, even if two of them were veggie. 

But you know what? This was the best god damn veggie burger I've maybe ever had. So much so that I decided to blog about it, even though I wasn't originally planning to because "it's just a burger". Hence the Instagram photos...

There were actually two vegetarian options, but I settled on the falafel because 1) falafel, despite being the default veggie option almost everywhere, is actually one of my favourite foods and 2) I only had to ask for the mayonnaise to be removed (the other burger involved cheese of some kind). Not going to lie I was expecting to be served with a regular falafel pattie between two buns. But no! When it came there were two massive pieces of falafel inside a crispy bun with a stick through the middle to keep it together with a side of skinny fries (you can also get chunky fries) presented on a hipster wooden board. 

And it tasted a bit of alright too. The falafal was slighty spicy and was a beautiful texture. The American fries were also proper fries and not some McDonald-esque fries. I'm the only vegetarian at my work, but all the meat-eaters enjoyed their food as well. There was a curry burger which definitely caught my eye on the menu (but didn't eat because....chicken), and it actually came in tortilla wrap. If any of my meat-eating readers fancy trying anything different...

For a long time I've watched as meat-eaters indulge in the burger trend and slowly (or quickly) tick off the joints along St Vincent Street (for non-Glaswegians this is a street with half a dozen burger joints in a row, which is not where Lebowskis is so I don't know why I'm doing this mini-tour). I've eaten at a few of them, but the veggie burgers are usually boring by comparison to the meat counter-parts. Lewbowkis was the first burger I've had where I really felt the vegetarians were able to get in on the burger trend (which I have been jealous of - I want gourmet and imaginative veggie burgers). If you know anywhere else which puts solid effort in to their non-meat options please do give me a holla! 

And before I pop off, I can't mentioned Lebowskis without mentioning their drinks collection. Like a lot of the bars on the Finnieston Strip it's packed full on a Friday evening probably because 1) the offices getting out to start their weekend and 2) they offer a wider and more sophisticated drinks selection than the city centre bars. I'm a rum girl and don't waste an opportunity to try out some non-mainstream rums. Whilst at Lewbowskis I discovered a Scottish rum called Dark Matter which has a cinnamon taste to it. By far one of the best rums I've tried (at £40 a bottle). 

Have you ever been to Lewbowskis? Or tried a sophisticated rum of some kind?