The Linkables

To make up for my very brief 'hi, here's some links, bye' intro last Friday I suppose I should do a bit of a catch-up! My mum was through in Glasgow last week to catch her flight to Zambia where she'll be volunteering (again) until October. We went out for lunch and also paid to a visit to the Necropolis in the east of the city, whilst I also stepped into Glasgow Airport for the first time since I was 13 (and then headed back to Glasgow on the bus, while my mum jetted off...). Saturday I met up with Amanda from 365 Vegans for some lunch in The 78 and then headed into Kelvingrove Park to film my submission for her project. And then, Sunday I met up with my friend who was back in Glasgow from her job teaching English in China and we popped up to Botanical Gardens for a walk and some tea. And then I was busy this week with Scottish Greens meetings and watching Charlotte talk at a Glasgow Digital Meet-Up.

Needless to say this weekend I'll be sleeping.

Feminism & Equality

If your parents live separately, chances are you live with your mum. Here's a beautiful and poignant piece from a single mum who decided the best thing for her daughter was for her to live with her father.

This needs a strong trigger warning for rape, sexual assult and asshole boyfriends. But if you can stomach it, it's a powerful piece on how sometimes it's easier to 'put up with it' rather than say fuck off.

Yay! Costa Rica is shutting down zoos and freeing every animal in captivity.

YES! YES! YES!  There's a difference between compromise in a relationship and emotional abusive.

Not everyone with red hair looks the same.

Blogging & Marketing

My new favourite blog discovery: Beauty by the Geeks

It's never occurred to me to set up a blog as a duo, but Helen & Kimberley run one of my favourite I-always-stop-by-manually-to-check-for-new-posts blogs and they have some advice for anyone wanting to blog as a double.

Something I need to print out and pin to my wall: I didn't blog for a week and no one died.

 Blog maintenance I should go home and do: what bloggers should have in their e-mail signature.

One of my favourite bloggers got married recently and it looked so perfect.

Relationships, Love & Friendship

If you've been on a few dates with someone you don't know very well - while it's still hiffy - you can get away with ghosting. In any other circumstance end it properly like a mature and respectful human being.

A graphical analysis (sort of) between the correlation between the effort made on someone's birthday and how much you value their friendship.

Big weddings can be beautiful, but maybe best left to the extroverts. So, what if the introvert in you just wants a quiet do?

Moving onto a more sombre life event called funerals. If you're planning one (or just letting loved ones know your wishes) here's some non-religious and slightly geeky readings which may be worth considering.

Scotland & Travel

Lauren took a trip the DJAD Master's Degree show to spot some upcoming talent.

If you fancy a Scottish road trip, there's a new road which loops right round the upper Highlands.


Ha! The asshole self-rating exam!

Joey Fatone (he was one of the NSync members who wasn't Justin Timberlake, fyi) has a message for One Direction.

This week in mourning: Yvonne Craig, Batgirl on 60's TV series, died at 78..