The Linkables

What have you guys been up to this week? I started a new job, which is actually still with the same company but I'm moving into the client services department so I've been stretching myself (mentally and physically) in all directions this week. At the weekend I also popped over to Edinburgh to visit the Vegan Festival (which was so busy and we got there after a few brands had sold out of stock!) and I also paid my first visit to Henderson's, one of Scotland's best known vegetarian restaurants. This weekend I'm taking it easy, which I definitely think it what the doctor ordered!

Blogging, Social Media and Career Building

When people talk about Pinterest being a fantastic way to grow your blog, I end up going home and sulking because it's just never worked for me. Here's a 4,000 word article which includes ideas I've never thought about. 

And whilst on the topic of Instagram, the top 5 cats of Instagram

People say make money doing what you love, but it can be a tough pill to swallow admitting that you're good enough at what you love to go full time.

Ever made a great pal through the internet or think its plain weird? Betty says its great.

Feminism & Equality

My dad carries a disabled parking badge, but his disability is invisible. Thankfully I've never witness this

I know many people who are excited for Straight Outta Compton, but I'm going to be the killjoy who reminds people about Dre Dre's history of violence against women.

Why Society Needs to Stop Telling Women They Don't 'Need' Make-up

If you're getting engaged and want some bling for that finger that isn't a clichéd diamond, how about one of these alternatives?


Ha. Everything I'm afraid will happen when I ask someone out for coffee.

If you're planning an American road trip soon but have no idea what route to take, how about recreating a trip from American Literature

And whilst you're in American anyway, put these booze-selling bookstores on your to-visit list

P.S. I'm yet to be fancy and add it to my sidebar, but I've recently created a directory of all products I've reviewed and an events calender