Bukhara at the Lorna Hotel

vegetable tawa bukhara

You know when you've wanted to try a restaurant for ages and you finally get around to it? That's what happened with today's review. When I first moved to Glasgow (almost three years ago!) I had to stay in a hotel in the West End (thanks Smiths Hotel!) for the first two weeks and each day passed an Indian restaurant called the Bukhara that had such a stylish vibe. 

As briefly mentioned in last week's Linkables my mum was in town for her flight to Africa. My mum is a big itson fan and is always finding deals to eat out on when she's through visiting. By chance she stumbled across a deal for the Bukhara for the weekend she was through (to fly off to Africa, lucky git!). 

The moment we stepped inside, it appeared that it was just as contemporary and stylish as it looked from the outside. I briefly felt as if me and my mum weren't posh enough to be there but then the down-to-earth staff made me feel right at home. 

pickled vegetables bukhara

Like a lot of Itson deals there was a special menu (but we could still order sides and starters off the main menu). Whilst there was only seven options in total, two were vegetarian. Whilst one contained paneer, the other was also completely plant-based: the Vegetable Tawa. A Tawa was a curry I had never tried before, but I was very impressed and would rate it as one of the best I've tried. We also had a bowl of rice as part of the deal, and also ordered extra chapattis and some pickled vegetables. Whilst the pickled vegetables were wayyyy more my mum's taste than mine (picked anything is an acquired taste, no?) the chapattis were pretty much mine to gobble up!

fruit sorbet bukhara

Now you may also noticed something...no starter? Morag you're a savoury girl through and through. Where's a veggie samosa? Well, this was one of the few dessert menus which offered a vegan dessert. Okay, so it was sorbet. But it was beautiful mango and grapefruit sorbet which still had pieces of the original fruit through it. Perfect!

Have you ever been to the Bukahara at the Lorne Hotel?