The Linkables

Happy Friday guys! Nothing of particular interest happened this week. I have new bruises from trapeze and I finally managed to finish Lolita (thank you and good night). My brain was feeling a bit frazzled from the sophisticated prose found in classic literature so my bedtime reading is now one of Ann M. Martin's classic pieces Dawn and The Impossible Three (it's a Babysitter's Club book - erm, yes?).

Let's just move on...

Veganism & Food

The voting is now open for VegFest 2015.

Sunflower seed risotto? Sounds like my cuppa tea.

The Newcastle Vegan Festival was just last week. And it looked delicious.

Wondering where to eat vegan in Eastbourne? Sarah has you covered.

And Bristol vegans are going to be lucky noming away at these new establishments.

There's a cafe coming to London that only sells fries. With different flavours. Including Marmite.

Home & Garden 

I'm still trying to master to art of growing herbs, so I'm possibly not quite ready for indoors trees. But if you'e looking for a new garden project, here's a guide to growing indoor trees.

One learning to adult trend I'm well on-board with is the grown-up kitchen and I'm always looking for inspiration, so I love having a nosey at other people's grown up additions.

If you're taking your first step into adulthood and moving into halls after the summer, here's Hayley's tips on creating a nice halls set-up.

Your bedroom decor is not completed until you've decorated your wardrobe. For real.

Feminism & Equality

Siri is having none of your transphobia.

There's a new intersectional feminist-friendly animal rights book coming in October.

What happens when you realise you're bisexual....when you're already dating someone?

If you live in a Labour constituency, did your MP betray the working class which the Labour party are meant to protect?

Can we just, like, get over the way women speak already?


If you make handmade crafts and are unsure of what to charge, here's a handy calculator.

The actors who were almost James Bond.

If you're the owner of generously-sized breasts and are considering reducing the size, here's Brianna West's story.

Want to name your baby something uncommon? Here's the least popular baby names in America.

You know LinkedIn is a professional networking site and not a dating site? These people don't.

If you're planning an American road trip soon, you could go Route 66 or follow this ultimate geek road trip?

I have a blog post in the works on my experience of doing a non-specific/liberal arts/open degree/whatever you call it, but here's an article on why liberal arts degrees are a good way into the PR field.

I loved Brownies, but it was a bit weird in hindsight.