The Linkables

Happy Friday internet! How has everyone's week been? I took my very first trapeze class last Sunday and have been spending most of my evenings this week in bed feeling sorry for my sore limbs. However I've also developed a cold so my second trapeze class has been put off for a while. I'll instead be heading to Glasgow City Comic Con this weekend.

I've also given my Linkables a new format. It's been two years since my first Linkables post and I thought it was time to spruce it up a bit. So hello intro paragraph about my week and fancy new sections so you can quickly find the kind of links that interest you. I did have to debate which section to put some links in so remember to nosey through them all anyway.

Let me know what you think!

Veganism & Food

Something tasty: chocolate raspberry brownies.

Also: creating dishes from your favourite books, films and tv.

My parents are heading to South East Asia next year (and I'm not, boo!) but here's an article on vegan restaurants I'm going to send them anyway.

It's finally beginning to feel like the UK is getting some summer, so the perfect time to check out Lauren's post on her favourite vegetarian BBQ ideas.

SPCA release an appeal after fox found in gin trap

Blogging and marketing

Blogging advice: how to set blogging goals you can actually achieve.

Becky wrote an excellent post asking if bloggers really need a niche?

A new (to me) lifestyle blog which has been keeping me busy with their archives: Skinned Cartree.

And my new favourite beauty blog which has introduced me to loads of new brands that I'll need to contact for my cruelty-free list: Bow Tied Beauty.

Feminism and Equality

If you've ever said "all lives matter" in response to Black Live Matter, then this post is for you.

Learn more about an interesting career path: what it's really like to be a female prison guard.

Rebecca was ill for most of her life with a life-threatening disease. But it never got treated because doctors kept telling her it was because she was fat. Here's her story of how fat-shaming almost killed her.

Dominic Utton on what's he's learnt watching the Women's World Cup

Some well written words on inclusion in the geek world.

Some sexy blogging news I missed last year: the top 100 sex blogging superheroes of 2014.

And in very good news Clare's Law is going to be extended to the rest of Scotland making it easier to find out if a romantic partner has a history of abuse.

Geek and pop culture

My current TV show of choice is Once Upon a Time which I discovered through Lynsey. Here's her top 5 reasons why everyone should be watching it

Geek Girl Brunch is something I stumbled upon this week (and immediately signed up for). If you live in Glasgow or Nottingham there's already a meet-up group organised in your city! And there's many more meet-up groups across the globe.

If like me you enjoy exploring the intersection between pop culture and feminism, Her Story Arc is a relatively new website to add to your RSS feed.

I'm always in the market for a new female geek blog to read, but I always struggle to find British ones. Luckily I stumbled upon The North East Nerd this week.


The reason I stopped my monthly playlists is because I got lazy. But go check out AbbeyLauren's post if you're after some new tunes

I don't buy from many of these brands anyway because they're on my animal testing list, however a bunch of big players in the cosmetic industry have been fined for price fixing

The world's first electric double-decker bus is coming to the UK.

What it feels like to fall in love with the idea of a person.

A piece of advice I would have given my younger self is: it's easier to make friends when you're a student so go meet as many people as possible. But here's a post on how to make friends as an adult anyway.

And finally, how to pick what work opportunities to work on and which opportunities need to be shown the door.