Another trip to the Flying Duck Vegan Fete

If you're a vegan living in the Glasgow area you'll probably be already familiar with The Flying Duck vegan restaurant/nightclub and their every-now-and-then Vegan Fete. Even if you've been a reader of mo'adore for a while you'll be familiar with this event as I've blogged about it before (and a second time after that). I recently popped by to their most recently installment and, yes, I am blogging about it again cause I have a host of new vegan brands to share with you guys! And you can never blog about the same thing too often, right? (Said as I ignore the two page list of blog post ideas in my Filofax). 

This was my first visit for a while, as I had been put off because the first and second time I attended it was roughly the same brands present, and I'm allll about finding new brands. However, I was free the afternoon of the most recent fete and would be in town anyway for the Comic and Craft Fair, plus the Duck has had a bit of a make-over/new menu so I thought I would/should check it out. 

I was presently surprised to find that the brands available were not the same as the last time I attended, and there was only one brand present that I had been previously aware of. So my vegan heart was in a bit of a flutter (my bank balance, however, was not so much). 

I took an Instagram of my purchases when I got home (including some Batgirl). The companies I bought from were natural cleaning product company Humble Stuff Scotland, a macaroni pie from vegan street food vendor Cool Jerk, a soya candle and nail varnish from The Wild Witchery, and two of the hottest hot sauces I've ever tried from Heathen Hawt Sauces (my mouth was on fire, you guys!). 

And if that doesn't do it for you maybe pressed juice, vegan cupcakes (if you're not a weirdo like me who prefers savoury foods) or, erm, healing crystals. 

Were you at the recent Flying Duck Fete? What were you picks from the event? 

Morag x