The Linkables

One mother's story on leaving the anti-vaccine movement.

Fossils fuels are currently as low as 40% of all UK generation

It's not exactly hard to find cat videos on the internet. But for all us dog people here's a cute dog video.

But if you are a cat person - who actually owns a cat - here's Lauren's thought on the Purrfect Subscription Box for cats.

A different Lauren on the first exhibition of her artwork.

But back to dogs: man takes dying dog on a bucket list tour.

If you're in the market for some expensive but beautiful bras, this Etsy shop is the stuff dreams are made of.

No matter what you love to do, it is not trivial (no matter what society tells you).

I'm all about looking after your mental health as well as your physical health and mindfulness has been getting a lot of attention recently. Here's article that sheds a realistic light on it.

Important stuff: how to get a busy person to respond to your e-mail.

10 things you're probably doing wrong (and how to do them right).

I'm planning on hosting my first giveaway soon, and I'm making sure I follow the law when I do so.

As if moving on from your ex isn't hard enough, some ex-couples can't afford to split up their property and live seperately. (As a side note, I almost moved in with a then-boyfriend but we split up...after the deposits had been paid. The only thing that got me out of that was my parents who earn a decent amount - this struggle is real!)

I'm yet to look into their cruelty-free status but Polish brand Bell Cosmetics, who manufacturers allergy-tested make-up, is coming to the UK.

I now and then (read: about four times a year) put together a book review post, this blog has given me some tips on improving them.

If you're looking to expand your knowledge on career building, a friend of friend has released a book which should be added to your pile.

I experience ASMR and I assure you it's not a sexual thing for me. And it's very problematic that it's widely being described as sexual by non-experiencers.

And on the topic of ASMR, here's a video which has recently been giving me tingles.

Someone in an age gap relationship explains why age-gap relationships in Hollywood films are portrayed problematically.

As you're probably aware Ingrid Nilsen came out as gay this week, and this why her coming out story in particular is so important!

I want to go to the Big Vegan BBQ in Glasgow but not myself, anyone keen?

I'm not really a podcast person, but the apolitical podcast does look like it be worth a listen.

During the summer I spend time upping my Instagram game (natural lighting, ftw!) and this list of 100 ideas for Instagram will come in handy.

Also bookmarked under Instagram: 9 marketing techniques I used to get 39,000 followers.