Henné Color hair dye review

henne color review

I have for a long time touted the benefits of using a henna hair dye over a traditional hair dye as the hair doesn't get damaged and the colour is a lot more natural. However, I have thus far only ever used the Lush Caca Rouge henna dye (review here) and decided it was high time I gave another brand a try. Last Christmas I bought the Henné Color in Auburn from Holland & Barratt and I recently gave it another whirl. 

First off, Henne Color comes with the henna already disintegrated, unlike the Lush henna which is in a block which needs chopped up, making it much quicker and easier to prepare. So already one point over the Lush henna dye. 

In terms of actually applying the dye, the process is very similar. I recommend being a lot more thorough with the Henné Color though as the results are more vivid so make sure you get an even application (the Lush henna only gently highlights the hair so it's not the worst thing if you miss a small patch of hair). 

When it comes to washing the dye out I found it took a lot longer for the water to run clear compared to the Lush dye. And by longer I found that even when washing my hair four days later I could still see an orange tinge in the shower. 

The actual results were much more vivid than the Lush henna dye. The reason I have only used this twice and when I'm off work is because the initial result is very bright and clearly not a natural shade of red. However once it fades it becomes something I can sport daily to the office. If you want to the see the results, check out one of my latest Instagrams

Pro: doesn't damage hair, easy preparation, easily available, vivid colour
Con: takes forever to wash out, doesn't look that natural

I now use a mixture of the Lush henna and the Henné Color auburn dye. The Henné Color I use when I have time off work to do an all over application. However the Lush henna dye is what I use every time I want to doe a gentle top-up and get my brunette roots covered. 

Have you ever tried the Henné Color or Lush henna dye? Any other brands you think I should try out?