Update to my cruelty-free brands list

Before I list this months additions to my cruelty-free brands list I want to to throw a question out there. How long do you guys think is appropriate amount of time to give brands to respond to an e-mail before listing them as a grey area? I currently wait two weeks as most brands get back to me within the first week (the bulk of them first three days!). However I am interested in hearing your views on this! 

The following brands were all e-mailed on the 3rd of May so have had 20 days to get back to me. As you can see quite a few ended up in the grey area list. Some were because they didn't respond, but some brands did response however I had that feeling in my gut. Let me know if you want any further information on why I included a brand where I did. 


  • 100% Pure
  • Aromatika
  • Aromi

Grey Area

  • Alexami
  • Beauty UK
  • Bonne Bell
  • Charlotte Tillbury
  • Lottie London
  • Make-Up Revolution
  • Orly
  • SLG (owns Zoella brand)

Tests on animals

  • Palmer's