The Linkables GE2015 special

If you want to know how barmy Labour are these days, here's some words from a former Labour MP.

If you live in a constituency where you may need to tactically vote, keep an eye on the blog of Lord Ashcroft.

The people who accurately predicted the USA Presidential Elections? Here's their thoughts.

English votes for English law may mess up the Budget

SNP vow to start HS2 in Scotland, which could be good for northern England too. 

Just a reminder that Tommy Sheriden is a shitebag. And is probably only screaming support for the SNP because he can't stand yet again.

Oh, and his pro-independence rally wasn't approved by the council

I shared this last week but just sharing it again, because it's very important

It is from 2009 but just reminding people that senior ex-military think Trident should be scrapped

With all the news between the SNP, Labour, Greens etc, you've probably not realised that the SSP are standing a few candidates

If you're from Northern Ireland think twice before voting DUP.

An actual doctor explains why privatisation of the NHS (even if it's free at point of use) is a bad thing. 

11 reasons for rent controls.

Not that I imagine any of my readers voting Tory or them winning in Glasgow, but here's a video of a Tory candidate being sexist

Some more on the Save our NHS campaign.

Engender have rolled up each parties stance on women's issues into a handy PDF