Vegan Sushi at Jushi, Dundee

Jushi vegan sushi dundee

When a lot of people think of sushi they automatically think of seafood; when in fact the only essentially ingredient to sushi is the sushi rice. So when people find out I'm a big sushi fan they act shocked or they assume it's because vegetarians eat fish (they don't, that's a pescatarian). I've also met meat eaters who turn their nose up at sushi because they don't like seafood. 

Saying that however, sushi restaurants - and even Japanese restaurants on the whole - can be hit or miss on their vegetarian and vegan offerings. For most of the time I lived in Dundee there was a campaign to bring a sushi restaurant to Dundee and some time after my departure this wish came true. Upon learning that Jushi had two sushi rolls marked out as vegan and a few more that were vegetarian I added it to my list of must eat places on my visits back, and last weekend I gave it a try after Dee-Con which was being held in the nearby Dundee University Union (you can see a bit of my cosplay in the background). 

Jushi is a small place in the Westport area of Dundee and is a sushi meets juice bar (Jushi, get it?). The day I went in the vegan sushi had been popular so the guy had to make up fresh but the tofu had been used up (which I shouldn't be really eating much of anyway given the soya intolerance) so he threw in an extra avocado roll for me. I've only ever eaten supermarket or Yo!Sushi so I can't claim to be a sushi connoisseur, however this was very good sushi. The little tub of soy sauce they gave me was one of the best I've tried and I wish I had the brand (it was salty, so if that's not your thing don't go there, but I have a salty tooth).  

I also purchased myself a Mango Mix juice to wolf it down with. I love smoothies and juices but most juice bars use ice-cream or milk in their offerings. The Mango Mix was made with sorbet however the board did state that you can also have oat or almond milk as a replacement. 

If you're a sushi fan I'd definitely recommend this place. And if you're one of those stubborn people who turn their nose up at sushi I'd also recommend this place as there is a good selection of sushi for you to get started with (a lot of which doesn't involve seafood). 

Have you ever been to Jushi? Any vegan-friendly sushi bars you recommend anywhere else in Scotland?