Update to my cruelty-free brands list

In my last update to my cruelty-free brands I mentioned that there were still a few other brands I was waiting to hear back from before I officially place them somewhere on my list. It's now been a few weeks and I am sad to say that some brands are being placed in the grey area category due to now response. These brands are small independent names who are very unlikely to test however without a response to my e-mail which asks a few more questions than most website statements answer, I have no choice but to declare them a grey area. 

The following brands have been added to my grey area list due to no response: 


However there is good news as natural skincare brand Blue Labelle got back to me with a fine response and I am proud to endorse them as cruelty-free. 

REN now on testing list

Something that a lot of cruelty-free bloggers will now know is that REN Skincare have now been bought over by Unilever which means they will be added to my testing list. REN Skincare had previously been on my grey area list as I had never found their statement convincing, this was despite them being regarded as cruelty-free in the eyes of many. It's a reminder that you need to trust your own gut when it comes to deciding who tests and who doesn't, even if some other sources say otherwise.