The Linkables

Design Sponge writes a great column on modern etiquette and this one on navigating dietary restrictions is perfect.

If your friend has recently moved into a new home here are some unique house warming gifts.

I was clearing out my work bookmarks and found a marketing article on G+, which is pretty redundant but if you use it for geek stuff (like I do) have a look

What we'll be wearing in the future (according to sci-fi films)

I like bright funky clothes but I work a corporate job so I loved this post on working your non-conventional day wardrobe into your work wardrobe

Six things you didn't know about daylight savings.

A reminder that privilege is more about a lack of obstacles rather than unearned achievements.

Drawing or massaging a back is one of my biggest ASMR triggers, so this video is all kinds of magic for me.

And on that note, yesterday was International ASMR Day.

Cosplay attempts at humanised Pokemons tend to end up looking a bit strange, but these charizard costumes work (and might just be added to my to-cosplay list).

Which non-English language is most common at each London Underground stop

I Can Build a Blog has some great tutorials (including ones aimed at the Blogger platform). 

The NUS Women's Conference recently used jazz hands instead of clapping because the latter was triggering anxiety. Before you laugh or roll your eyes, read this.

If you're looking for new ways to promote your blog Stephanie suggests seven tools I hadn't heard/thought of.

It's a while in the future so I may or may not make it but on the 4th of May Glasgow Skeptics are hosting a talk on animal experiments

Birmingham Comic-Con recently passed and Georgina shared her pictures of her cosplaying as Rogue (who is also on my to-cosplay list).

A new blog I found today, Happy Little Geek, has a section on everyday cosplay

My America obsession continues but not for the correct reasons (seriously, Kansas?). 

An ode to Hufflepuffs: Sorted This Way.

Serious guys: Reasons to vote UKIP.  

One year on from starting her blog Nicole speaks about what it means to her

I hadn't heard of The Food Babe until I read this article but I pretty much laughed and nodded my head. 

Ya'll know I think life is better when you have a hobby you're passionate about. If you're still looking for that hobby here's a bunch of hobbies to try out

If you get jealous on Pinterest it's not social media that's the problem, it's you