The Linkables

The New Zealand animal testing ban was backed by Kiwi netball superstar Irene Van Dyk.

And here's a good article on the low-down on the new NZ ban.

Back in the UK, with a General Election looming one of the most important types of blogs to be reading right now are political blogs. Here's an up-to-date list of the 10 political blogs of the UK.

Despite everyone and their dog talking about podcasts right now, I'm still yet to find any I like. Maybe I'll like one from Rosie's list.

Emerald City Comic Con (in Washington) has just passed and here's a round-up of some of the best cosplays.

Ever wondered why photographers charge so much? Here's why.

I was a bit peeved when Pottermore put me n Hufflepuff and not Ravenclaw, but this Buzzfeed list made me feel a lot better.

Oscar fashion. Illustrated with Q-Tips.

What do you do when you witness someone say something accidentally offensive online? Call them out? Publicly? Or maybe be an understanding person and recognise they didn't mean it and send them a private message.

Taking notes by hands is the best way to remember that lecture.

I had an ex who used semi-colons in our e-mails cause he knew how much I liked them (ha!). But I reckon punctuation is quite emotive.

Some important notes on being a badass.

Remember, success is only defined by yourself. As illustrated by the guy from Wham! who isn't George Michael.

10 Things I Hate About You is one of my favourite teen films ever, and here's a little catch-up on what Joey Donner is doing these days (he's a spiritual guru).

Every argument about Buffy on the internet. Ha!

A mental health myth that needs to stop: self-harming is not about attention seeking.

Threesomes can help bring couples closer together (or drive them further apart). Do I need to say this NSFW?

Sometimes I wonder what kind of apps aren't out there, since there is one that allows you to text Drake lyrics...

I'm Dating a Scorpio, we're a firey bunch. And there's cheat sheets for dating each star sign at the bottom of the post.

Unwanted groping isn't just something that happens in nightclubs, it can happen in a relationship. Here's how to deal.

All kinds of yes: e-mail guidelines for the world.

Apparently the haunted doll market is thriving on eBay.

A playlist of songs which pass The Bechdel test.

Travel advice you may never need: 10 things to know before you travel in outerspace.

Severed goat heads keep turning up in Brooklyn....

You don't have to be fuckable to be valuable (article is safe for work, but the site it's on isn't).

Decorating tips for the INTJ, and all the other Myers-Briggs Types.

I was five during the time of the Monica Lewinksy affair, so my knowledge is low but I lapped up this article about her life now.

A Tumblr dedicated to the teenage bedrooms of the big screen