My first ButterLondon nail varnish (in Disco Biscuit)

butter london disco biscuit

When it comes to beauty products if there's a product I like above all others and own a ridiculous amount of, it's probably nail varnish. Even before I began wearing make-up properly I wore nail varnish. We're talking as soon as I progressed to secondary school I liked my nails to have polish on them, but I didn't begin wearing a full-face of make-up until I was at university (unless you count my MySpace phase...which was eyeliner and mouse foundation, I cringe). 

However my collection is made up of high street brands. I'm still yet to collect the entire Barry M range but I own a sizable chunk, and there's some Gosh and Models Own in there too. This ButterLondon varnish in Disco Biscuit is my first foray into the high end market. I had my eye on ButterLondon as their shades are very pretty and aren't just straightforward colours (you know how cheap brands have colours like the default font colours in word and high end brands have colours which require a hex code - does that even make sense?). After some ooh-ing and ahh-ing I went for Disco Biscuit which is a darker pink with silver and blue/silver glitter through it. 

As you can see from the photo the colour is much paler on the nail. This is because the polish is quite transparent and would be better as a top coat to add glitter to a plain pink nail. The colour which you see in the picture was after about four coats! A big plus however is that it dries much quicker than a lot of other varnishes I've tried. In terms of chipping it did last a bit longer than my cheaper polishes and it was only my index and middle finger which I needed to re-do throughout the week before my weekend beauty ritual. 

I do like this colour and will get use out of it. However I'm not yet a convert to high end nail varnish and think I'll just stick with my Barry M as the quality difference wasn't high enough for a polish which is £8 more expensive than what I would usually purchase. 

Have you tried the ButterLondon polishes? What is your opinion on them?