Alla Piazza, Merchant City

bruschetta alla piazza

It is very rarely that I jog on over to Merchant City, however a recent work night out took me to Alla Piazza on the patios of John Street. However this being an April evening in Scotland meant that we didn't actually sit on the patios but were instead at a big table inside. But what I did find is quite a good little Italian. 

As with all trips to an Italian restaurant I settled on a bruchetta for starters and then arbiatta for mains. So nothing new there (however there was also a minestrone soup which was marked out as veggie). But alas I'm not actually here to talk about food today (I know, what? It's almost all I talk about) but I'm going to chat about the resturant as a whole, because despite the food being the average Italian dinner everything else was perfect. 

arrabitta alla piazza

The staff were extra friendly. All genuinely Italian, and all full of the chat which made it a great place to go with a bunch of girls from your work. We also ordered plentiful bottles of wine for the table and whilst we arrived at 6pm for our dinner we were there until 10:30pm and the staff weren't giving us eyes telling us to move on.

Overall Alla Piazza is a pretty standard Italian resturant food wise however for the service and atmosphere I'd give it very high marks!