The Linkables


I was mentioned in The Wardrobe Conversations most recent Blog Crush post. And Helen is Dundee based, and there's not many bloggers situated there.

I've also finally got around to doing something with my Contently portfolio. Here it is, also including my words on my professional topic....utility management. 

REN Skincare have been on my 'grey-area' list for a while but they are now definitely on the testing list

It's been on my radar for a while that Vice aren't the best employers but this week I did some research and discovered that were investigated by HMRC for offering an illegal internship in late 2013.

Love: Calling bullshit on girly fitness. "We’re women, not baby jellyfish. We can handle a real fucking challenge. Put down the pink dumbbells."

You know those bullet pointed lists of life advice? Here's a good one (A bit TMI but my favourite point is in the sex section "True intimacy trumps technique").

What I'll be doing this weekend: The big Glasgow comic fair.

Next week in Glasgow there will be a march in support of Leelah's Law

Best online art resources

Why are so many brands failing at blogger outreach?

Garlic is one of my favour flavours, so I'm all over this indie brand The Garlic Farm

On Bill Crosby and victim guilt.

If you're planning to vote Labour just to keep Tories out you should know some Labour MP's want a coalition. Vote for a party who are really on the left...

An Indiegogo campaign to get republicanism on the agenda of the next government.

Apparently there's a law in the UK which makes it difficult for businesses to have unisex toilets

This Amethyst hotel is now on my bucket list.

But if like me finance doesn't really allow for a holiday try this list of 50 ways to have an adventure in your own town

A fantastic post on faddy diets and why people get sucked into them.

There's an American University with a sculpture of a clitoris (it looks like a deformed Pokemon but I appreciate the gesture). 

I love reading about people's morning routines and I love Esmé's attitude to taking her medication

If you've ever wondered what Iggy Azalea singing Old MacDonald would sound like then here you go (sort of). 

Marie Laveau from AHS was actually based on a historical person. You can even visit her voodoo shop on Bourbon Street

And more things from America that fascinate me: should Minnesota be re-branded as a northern state