The Linkables #BlogForBunnies Special

This week has been #BeCrueltyFree week and I have been taking part in #BlogForBunnies, a camapign by the Humane Society International. I wrote my post on Monday with a few facts on animal testing for cosmetics but for today's Linkables post I thought I would do a cruelty-free theme (it also means next week's non-themed Linkables will be a bumper post!).

This cosplay blog has a cruelty-free tag

And this article that reminds us that it's not an outright ban

And the world is currently looking at New Zealand as a ban becomes a hot topic there

New Zealand cruelty-free blogger Sarah Lilly shares her top 5 cruelty-free brands

Buying Cruelty-Free hasn't been updated since 2014 but it's a great resource for learning about legislation

It caught me out recently but keratine isn't animal friendly (though I have heard there are plant-alternatives).

Amy celebrated #BlogForBunnies by blogging about the best vegan male skincare

Claire created a playlist on YouTube of all the #BlogForBunnies vlogs.

Jen went listed her cruelty-free top ten.  

Helen of Tea in The Tub lists her favourite cruelty-free blogs

Sarah - who is one of my favourite natural beauty bloggers - also wrote a post for #BlogForBunnies

Emily shares with us her cruelty-free wishlist

Something that us bloggers have in common is that we love a good nosey into other people's lives, So when Jessica's posted her full cf collection I was glued to my laptop ha!

I've shared this before but Amber wrote a great post last October on the alternatives to animal testing

If you want to know more about medical testing you can learn more form the National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research.

The Dr Hadwens Trust also carry out similar research, and it's a register charity which you can donate to. 

The Vegan Kind and Souk Souk are the two cruelty-free beauty boxes I know of in the UK. 

The Good Box is a new subscription box on the market which includes ethical goodies.

Petit Vour is a cruelty-free beauty box in the States.

What have you been doing this #BeCrueltyFree week?