Crafting birds and notebook covers #hillaryscrafternoon


Aside from making my yearly Christmas cards, crafting isn't something that pops up much on mo'adore. It is however something I enjoy on occasion but I don't get much time to do it and I prefer 'crafting with purpose' as in making Christmas cards or something for fancy dress or cosplay (my first cosplay will be in two weeks, and there will be something hand made in it). But I know some people who are really into crafting who make craft after craft. I prefer to stick to making things I'll get use out of. 

So when I was invited along to #hillarycraftoon* with Hillary's Blinds (who make fabrics) and The Crafty Hen Parties (who host craft parties) on their final stop as part of their Craft Roadshow, I was excited about having a bit of an excuse to get my craft on. I didn't know what we'd be making but I was excited about possibly picking up some tips for any future (and seldom) craft projects (such as crafting a particular Pokémon in the near future). 

hillaryscrafternoon notebook

At the event the girls from The Crafty Hen gave us a guided tutorial on making a notebook cover and a stuffed bird using the fabrics from Hillary's Blinds. The notebook cover was simple enough and I'm proud of how mine turned out (plus I got to play with a glue gun). I've been meaning to pick up a new blogging notebook for a while and I reckon I can put my purse away and use this one for recording thoughts on various products. 

Making the bird was a bit more challenging. I had never crafted a stuffed animal of any kind before this event so it was a bit of a challenge. Thankfully I was sitting next to Sinead of Wee & Twee so I was able to take some pointers off her (and had her turn my bird inside for me as I just couldn't quite work it....). I was in the end quite proud of my bird. It clearly is a bird however there's a few holes along the edge of the stitching (I should have done smaller stitches much closer together). My bird is also quite squidgy as I was scared stuffing too much would have made the bad stitching go more awall and I'd have stuffing falling out!

hillaryscrafternoon bird

Both crafts I made now sit proudly between my windowsill. As for crafting more in the future, well, it's likely to remain something I do now and then. But it gave me a bit of practice crafting my own pieces so I'm less likely to muck-up my own craft attempts! 

P.S. Thank you to Joe Blog's for putting this together and to Hillary's Blinds and The Crafty Hen Parties for being great hosts. All photos from the event are now on the mo'adore Facebook page