#BlogForBunnies, because....

Today I'm doing that again. 

For animal welfare. 

Specifically animal-testing for cosmetics. 

Because this week is #BlogForBunnies week. Organised by the Humane Society International

If you've visited my blog for all of five minutes you'll know that I'm passionate about cruelty-free cosmetics. 

And in a similar vein as International Women's Day I'm going to run through the pointers for you on this issue. 

The UK outlawed the testing of cosmetics on animals in 1997. 

Since March 2013, it has also been illegal to sell cosmetics products within the EU which have been, or which contain ingredients, newly tested on animals.

It's the ingredients that get tested, not the finished product. 

However a global brand can still test in other parts of the world, the tested products just can't enter the EU (but the batch entering the USA for example can be). 

If any brand wishes to enter China they are required to test on animals. 

The recent ban on animal testing in China only refers to 'ordinary cosmetics' manufactured in China. All international brands have to give up samples.

A company can sell in the EU and China at the same time, but the batch coming into the EU can't be tested but the batch going into China must be tested.  

There's a also a ban in Norway, Israel, India and most recently the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo.

There is currently draft legislation to ban cosmetic testing in Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, Taiwan and the USA. 

The species used in cosmetics testing are rabbits, rat, guinea pigs, mice and hamsters. 

It takes longer to develop non-animal testing methods than it does to develop animal-testing methods, which is why so many companies support animal testing. 

Marketers (of which I am one) can get very sneaky with their wording. 'We don't believe in animal testing' doesn't mean they've checked their suppliers don't. 

When I send a company an e-mail I have them clarify if they test finished products or ingredients, if they sell in China and, if they are a British company, if they sell outside EU borders. 

The Leaping Bunny logo is the most trusted certification for cruelty-free products. 

In the UK all medication has to be tested on animals but if you want to help support the development of non-animal methods you can check out the Dr Hadwens Trust.

I believe cosmetic testing needs to be outlawed globally because we're not talking about the cure for cancer here, we're talking lipstick! 

If you're already cruelty-free or are thinking about going cruelty-free remember to visit the campaign at www.hsi.org/becrueltyfree and sign the #BeCrueltyFree pledge.