The Linkables

I found another Aberdeen blog to add to my blogroll this week in the form of Granite City Girl

My pal Lis reminds us that it's important to give blood (even if you're tattooed). 

My other pal Louise is getting back into blogging

Some geeky but beautiful jewellery I've found recently is Academia Boutique

If you've never been to Comic-Con or similar because there's not one near you, your luck is about to change if you live in Aberdeen or Blackpool. (I'm planning to be at the Granite City one). 

On the topic of Comic-Con here are some WTF Pokemon cosplays

You know, I'm big into the Harry Potter fandom and I'm going to get hate about this but Snape was a douche

I am a big believer in not changing yourself for a love interest however there are some things that are okay to change when in a relationship

Knitting and crochet is something I really did once try to get into (but didn't). Though if I had discovered a new lifelong passion I would totally be buying this slug pattern

Me and my parents briefly entertained the idea of visiting Madagascar, this blog post is making those feels come to the surface again. 

A Pinterest board displaying the Batman graphic novels in chronological order (here's another list on a comic website).

In case it wasn't obvious from various Instagrams and the link above I've decided to make my way through the comics of films/tv shows I've always loved - which is mainly Batman and X-Men so this guide to Marvel and DC was useful (and also made me cackle)

There's something for everyone on the internet, including a social network for guys with beards

More lolz: hip-hop food trucks.

If you want to lend some support to female sport and prove that football isn't just a boy thing then watching the Women's World Cup in the summer and the Women's Scottish Premier League is a good shout! 

And a reminder that my favourite sport netball is having its netball world cup this summer too