Superdrug Salon Radiance hair dye

superdrug salon radiance

Today I have another product which was used months ago and I'm finally getting around to reviewing (I'm looking for a flatmate right now so all my money is being spent on adverts and buying homewares...yeah). I've reviewed a few Superdrug hair dyes before but this time it's a shade from their 'salon' range. 

If you need a re-cap, this is the (mandatory) Instagram I took right after I had competed the hair dye. By the next day I had completely removed it with hair colour remover. 

Yeah...I hated it that much. 

The red that it went was a purple-red which just didn't suit me and didn't look natural in any way (and wasn't a colour I felt like trying out in a corporate office). That was probably more a matter of personal taste...but like all Superdrug hair dyes I do have to say that it came out quite patchy. However because this dye was different from the colour of hair it was being used on even if I had liked the colour I would have either needed to remove the dye or re-do it, as the patches were obvious. I say this everytime I review a Superdrug hair dye but be very careful with the application and even buy two bottles to be safe that you can cover your full head (my hair does come down onto my chest). 

Have you ever tried any Superdrug hair dyes?