Mint Chocolate Vegan Brownies

mint chocolate vegan brownies

When it comes to chocolate I'm going to admit what, to some people, might be a bit of a blaspheme: I don't really like to eat a bar of it (crisps are my downfall). All the vegan chocolate I own in my cupboard is specifically regulated for baking and out of all the baked goods it's a brownie I love to bake the most. 

So when new vegan chocolate brand Ethicoco* got in contact asking if I wanted to try some of their bars, I knew what I wanted to do with them.  I combined the Ecuadorian with Oat Milk and the Peruvian Dark Chocolate with a bar of mint chocolate from Plamil Foods I already had in my cupboard to create a mint chocolate vegan brownie. 

The recipe I use as the base for all my brownies is from From Pasta to Pancakes, each time just changing a few things. 

225g vegan butter (I use Pure Soya Spread)
one bar Ecuadorian Old Milk chocolate
one bar Peruvian Dark Chocolate 
one bar Pamil mint chocolate
egg replacer for four eggs
275g muscovado sugar
200g plain flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/350°F/Gas Mark 4
2. Crease a 30cm/12 inch x 20cm/8 inch baking tin with butter. Line it with greaseproof paper.
3. Melt the chocolate and butter in a saucepan until they make a smooth mixture. Set aside to cool for a few minutes. 
4. Beat the eggs in a bowl and mix in the muscovado sugar. 
5. Add the chocolate mixture and stir well. 
6. Gently add the flour and baking powder, stirring until evenly mixed.
7. Pour the mixture into the lined tin and cook in the hot oven for 25 minutes.
8. Remove from the oven. It should have a wonderful crisp top yet the muscovado sugar will have made it sensationally gooey in the middle.
9. Cut into squares and serve. 

Remember to stop by the Ethicoco website and check out what other chocolate bars are on offer. 

What your favourite brand of vegan chocolate? Have you heard about Ethicoco?