I've never voluntarily been to a fitness class in my life.
I've mentioned before that when it comes to working out and staying active I am very much a sport person and scoff at exercise classes. The only exercise class I've ever taken part in was the fitness classes when I was part of the Abertay Dance Team, and they were mandatory for anyone wanting to be on the team.
So when I got the e-mail from SimplyHealth asking if I wanted to attend an Aqua Spin class* I was a bit apprehensive. I've heard of spin and my knowledge of it was that you sit in a stationary bike and peddle. It's one of these exercises that make me wonder if people genuinely enjoy it. However because it was taking part in a pool and swimming is a form of fitness I've enjoyed since childhood I decided to give over an RSVP of yes.
It took place in the Commonwealth Pool in Edinburgh (definitely a step up from the Gorbals pool I usually swim in) and as you might have guessed the bikes were submerged in water. The pool was this fancy pants pool which has a floor which can be adjusted and it's the smallest person in the class who gets to choose how deep the water will be (it was a good day to be 5ft7 - I didn't fancy water up to my chin). Clothing wise I wore was swim wear but also wore shorts to prevent chaffing (I'm selling this well) and we were also given rather sexy aqua shoes to wear (there were no cameras allowed near the pool otherwise I would have taken a very flattering ootd). All the bikes could be adjusted to different levels of difficulty so I went with easy because I've known people who feel zonked after a spin class...
However, I enjoyed myself. The cycling was broken up with different positions (such as hands on different part of the bars or standing up) and we also did a core section where we lifted ourselves up past the saddle and balanced above with the water as support. Afterwords I felt worked but not aching - just that healthy balance between a good work out but not feeling that you need a wheelchair. The instructor, Fiona, was lovely and she didn't encourage anyone to go harder than they could (and no good fitness instructor would...if a fitness instructor won't let you judge your own tolerance level, they're a dick unprofessional and don't give them your money).
As I said, I'm not a fitness class person. However this was enjoyable and was a good workout. I'd probably not make a big habit of doing this regularly but would consider it again if I found a class in Glasgow (however I'm going to be signing up to trapeze classes after this payday...and I already do netball...busy and you see what I'm saying about sports) but honestly if this has piqued your interest I'd give it a bash!
Have you ever been to an Aqua Spin Class? You can read the blog post from Simply Health here.
Have you ever been to an Aqua Spin Class? You can read the blog post from Simply Health here.