The Linkables

I've bought myself a Filofax and I've been staying up late on Pinterest to ogle some organisation pr0n. This Pinterest board has caught my fancy. (I first bought a Filofax in 2010 and the same thing happened back then).

I'm been wasting time making my way through this Slayage: The International Journal of Buffy Studies.

Out of all the 2014 re-cap posts, this one from National Collective is my favourite.

Why not try Veganuary this January?

What if we didn't sexually shame our daughters?

If you're thinking on getting organised in 2015, here's round up of some popular planners.

I love Cate's fandom resolutions for 2015.

Headline news in Coventry: someone stealing a vibrator from Ann Summers.

15 things Back to the Future told us we'd have by 2015.

A collection of #FeministNewYearResolutions.

There's been a lot of woopla about a black man possibly playing James Bond. For those of you unconvinced its a good idea here are 9 reasons why it would be! (And to remind the people saying JB should always be Scottish - only one actor has been Scottish and for people saying he should always be British - two non-British actors have played him.)

The best vegetables to grow indoors.

Everything Etsy should be on the RSS Feed of Etsy shop owners and Etsy shoppers.

Why skinny-shaming isn't the same as fat-shaming.

A run-down of the Scottish punk scene in 2014.

An extra talks about the time 10 Things I Hate About you was filmed at her school.

An interview with Chris Rock on racism, Obama and class systems.

Some advice on creating a gallery wall in your own home.

15 reasons Scotland should be on your bucket list.

If your New Years Resolution is to create your own zine, then here's a quick tutorial.

I've always wanted a lake (dreaming big here) and if it had a ballroom underneath that would a cheery on top.

Treating your lover the same way you would treat your alter.

On the silencing of trans women of colour.

Is living in separate houses the best thing for you and your partner?

Do you remember that time Smith from SATC was in a UK Areos advert?

And, Halloween impressions with Kevin Spacey.

Morag x