Introducing my food, drink and indie shopping map of Scotland

A little blog trend I've spotted over the past year has been bloggers creating maps of their favourite places to eat, drink and shop (or anything else) in their chosen city. One of the questions I frequently get asked is where I like to eat in some of the places I know well, especially by other vegetarians/vegans. So I thought as a new 'feature' for 2015 I would created my own map where I visually round-up all my reviews (plus a few other cheeky mentions).

My own map includes food, shops and bars, but it is mainly a food map (as if you couldn't have predicted that?). And because I'm not really sure which Scottish city I would consider 'home' and have lived in three different places during this blog's existence I've not kept my recommendations contained to one city. Primarily it will be Dundee and Glasgow as this is where I split most of my time but I've thrown in the reviews I've done for places in Edinburgh and Aberdeen, and even one or two rural places.

The map is now live on my new map page which includes some guidance on how to use it, and I've also added a little graphic to my sidebar which links to the page. This has taken me a long time to put together and I'd appreciate any feedback (especially pointing out spelling mistakes!) and any general thoughts on it. I'd also appreciate if you could forward this on to any people who know who live in these places. Or even let me know what places I should consider adding on next!

Morag x