Faith in Nature 40th Anniversary Shower Gels

faith in nature shower gels cruelty-free

I've always loved water and as a result I always look forward to my daily shower (and my weekly swim, and the odd bath) and I like to make an effort to make it something. Obviously at 7am I'm still half asleep and sometimes I'd rather be in bed but a simple way I make it a luxurious experience is to have a selection of shower gels to choose from that morning depending on my mood.

So whilst showers gels aren't everyone's idea of a thoughtful Christmas present, I was ecstatic to find the Faith in Nature Limited Edition Mini's under my tree. For the next few days at my parents' house I tried a new one each day and shunned the shower gels I had brought up with me. 

I always find it very difficult to pick a favourite shower gel as I like to have a variety so I can pick a new one each morning (or afternoon on a Sunday) but in this collection there was a clear winner: Pineapple & Lime. The other shower gels were still nice but were very conventional scents and I already had something in my shower that smelt similar. The Pineapple and Lime shower gel reminded me of lime jelly, which won't be everyone cup of tea but I find it perfect for mornings when I need a zingy scent. 

The other scents have been kept in the cupboard and due to their size will become my travelling shower gels. They are all nice scents but don't differ too much from what I already own. Aloe Vera & Ylang Ylang was the softest scent, with Seaweed & Citrus being a little bit zingier but less so than I expected, then Raspberry and Cranberry was the fruitiest and the Coconut was a standard coconut smell (which I love, but already own a lot of).

The quality of the shower gels were average. I got the average amount of foam as I would from any other shower gel but the scent was quite concentrated and was well above average. This was actually my first time trying any Faith in Nature products and even though I wouldn't rave about these being the best shower gels I've ever tried I am still planning to try more from their range (since I've heard good things about their shampoos). 

Love you all, Mòrag x