I'm still playing Ingress and Pinterest has some great Ingress themed stuff.
A female cosplayer takes on the issue of 'Cosplay is not Consent'.
Speaking of cosplay, I'm hoping to do so for the first time later this year and just set up my profile on Cosplay Island.
And I've been doing research on famous cosplayers...obviously That Vegan Cosplayer is my favourite so far.
15 SEO myths to forget in 2015.
Another blog to add to my small list of feminist-friendly fitness blogs: Fit is a Feminist Issue.
Men should never grope women, even gay men.
32 bisexual women who are in relationships with men talk about bi-erasure.
I've always been in awe of Betty's hair...and she's sharing her secrets (you know that thing about how hair can change you? That's what red hair dye does to me).
I'm not going to lie that my main reason for wanting to visit Vegas is the Britney residency.
I'm not all that much a fan of beards...but coloured beards I definetly am a fan of!
Somehow I missed the news last year that in the same week of June The American Medical Association decided that transgendered people should be able switch the sex on their birth certificate (without surgery) and that cheerleading is most definitely a sport! (I've got a big cheesy on my grin as I add this link!)
On the topic of cheer there's an article that caused a bit of a stir which illustrates a point I've been making for years (as a former cheerleader - albeit amateur) cheerleading itself is not an issue, the way it is portrayed in the media is.
If you're relationship is getting a bit 'samey' how about creating a date jar?
I don't play Magic the Gathering but a friend informed me that they've introduced a trans character.
10 incredibly weird apps you can download.
Hayley's blog is now three years old and this is what she's learned.
Charlotte talks us through her experience of learning to drive.
Charlotte also offers TV show recommendations. (just go follow her in general).
I've known for ages that default Blogger title formats weren't SEO friendly and I finally got round to doing something about it this week. (Here's another format and here's another).
A hilarious article from News Thump (that I almost fell for): Eastenders to become first 'horror soap'.
A brilliant - but still serious - letter on the Onion from a mum who won't vaccinate her children.
9 things you never noticed about the American Horror Story pilot episode.
I actually loved 00's fashion.
I work in the utility sector and voted yes but thought the energy sector would be hard to split up, but Scotland might get more powers on that matter. (A paywall might come up)
Reasons we still need feminism. (trigger warning for stalking)
More reasons we still need feminism (because remember ladies if a man doesn't respect you it's something you're doing not because, you know, he's an arsehole).
A Kickstarter game that I would so support but doesn't ship to the UK. (American readers...).
An amazing geek themed Etsy shop I found recently (but, again, American).
I don't read Problogger all that much (the advice seems quite Ameircan-centric) but I liked this post on blogging and privacy (written by a mummy blogger with a famous husband!).