The Linkables

That image was taken from this article on intersectionality in the environmentalism movement.

I was introduced to So What Band is Your Boyfriend In? this week and it has now exceeded it's crowdfunding target. But you should still give it some love.

If you're always looking for new independent designers then read the comments on this post for many suggestions (from across the globe).

What's the difference between a relationship that builds a life for two people versus a relationship where two people build one life together?

If you think foreplay is something you do five minutes before the main act, then you might want to learn about all-day foreplay. (Essentially you're always sexy and affectionate with each other, even when you're not 'at it').

When feminists play Cards Against Humanity.

In light of the UK's possible new p0rn laws, protesters are planning a giant 'face-sitting' event outside Parliament.

Last week I mentioned a solar panel vibrator, this week I'm linking you to a wind up one. (NSFW)

I like my jewellery bright and bold but the contemporary pieces by Jenny Parker still caught my eye.

I love Not on the High Street and the gift-guides Eilidh has been putting together using their brands.

Lis pit together a stellar gift guide for...herself. Good on ya!

On that note, The Greedy Book is a cute way to provide your family and friends with your own wishlist.

It's on my apartment to-do list to get a plant for the bathroom, and it'll probably be one of these.

I also reckon my balcony could be doing with some solar powered fairy lights.

Some advice on telling a new partner about a past abortion.

Laci Green wrote about becoming an activist (and a sex educator and a blogger).

I've never lived with a partner but I have been dumped in one of my former bedrooms and couldn't unsee the spot where he told me he was ending it. I one day innocently re-arranged slightly because my landlord wanted to re-paint and it was such a break-though in my progress. I now wholeheartedly recommend decoration therapy (especially if, unlike me, you actually did live with them).

I spotted another vegan friendly café whilst walking around Glasgow recently.

Men's lifestyle boutique The Brotique are looking for indie designers to stock in their shop!

And if you fancy getting tipsy this Crimbo, here's a Santa hat drinking game that is lol.

Morag x