Superdrug Ultra Brights hair colour

superdrug ultra brights outrageous orange

I'm eternally jealous of people with bright hair - especially those of the orange and red persuasion. Part of me really yearns for my former emo-days when my entire locks were bright red. Alas, I am now an adult with a corporate office-job and turning up with hair that resembles a sunset wouldn't be that amusing.

I've toyed with the idea of using wash-in wash-out bright dyes during the weekend however most of the offerings on the high street haven't been cruelty-free. I do own two bottles of Bleach hair dye (I Saw Red and Washed Out Orange) but they aren't nearly bright enough for my naturally brown hair and the formula resembles paint rather than hair dye. However, when shopping just last weekend for a few practicalities in Superdrug (genuinely, it was shampoo and sanitary towels I was in for) I spotted they launched some wash-in wash-put bright shades as well as some spray on pastel shades.

superdrug hair dye outrageous orange

I opted for the Outrageous Orange shade and decided to wear it to the China Drum gig I was heading to last Saturday. The (male, not into fashion) friend I went with didn't notice a change but I did think it brought some new brightness to my hair. I didn't expect it to turn out like it is on the packet as I'm not blonde, but it added some bright highlights to my medium brunette/auburn hair and caused me to have what I would call a 'bright ginger' colour. Whilst noticeable (to me at least) it was still subtle enough that I could get away with it at work.

However, a word of caution. The colour was a bit patchy - which didn't really matter on my hair colour but if you're blonde I'd be careful and would advise buying two packets and taking the time to comb it through your hair. If it added bright tints to my hair I can imagine someone with very blonde hair could end up with something that looks similar to the packet. I also dyed my hair last weekend and the colour is still in it so that 6-8 washes thing is realistic so again be careful if you're a blonde person who works a job that requires you to get any weekend hair dye out by Monday morning.

As mentioned I have two bottles of Bleach in my cupboard which gives a slight hint to my hair (if ignoring the packet instructions and applying it dry hair) but I much prefer this offering to top up my colour now and then with non-committal colour. I reckon I'll buy this again and will give the red shade a try at some point. I'd recommend this for a cheap, fun colour but would advise anyone with very light hair to be extremely careful.

Have you tried this new offering from Superdrug? Can you name any other wash-in wash-out hair dyes from cruelty-free brands?

Morag x