Ideas for a veggie Christmas

We're now into the week of Christmas and whilst there's been many a gift guide posted (on my own blog and others) I would like to think we're all sorted there. However, an area some people might not yet be sorted in will be food. Whilst my meat-eating parents eat the same thing each year I switch it up every year and deciding what I'm going to be cooking on Christmas Day is my favourite thing to plan in the winter months.

Whilst most years I spend a lot of time Googling this year I quickly settled on this Festive Layered Loaf from the Vegetarian Society website. The VegSoc website is full of creative ideas and the first year I was vegetarian it was my first port of call and I ended up making their Not Just a Nut Roast and the year after that I went for their Festive Pillow (which was a bit messy). Last year I made this Glazed Lentil, Walnut and Apple Loaf from Oh She Glows, which was on the sweet side and not particularly to my taste if I'm honest (but was still edible).

A dish I have considered in the past and was a serious contender this year again was this Quinoa Stuffed Cabbage, but it just doesn't seem fancy enough for a main and I didn't really feel like making a main and a some side (maybe one year I'll build up to that).

As far back as October, Pinterest was already filling up with ideas and whilst I was pinning Halloween ideas I was also pinning some sneaky ideas onto my Christmas and Winter board. Whilst most of what I did pin were cocktails and craft ideas some Christmas dinner mains which did make their way onto my board was this Pumpkin Seed Cranberry Cheese Roast with Thyme, Mary Berry's nut roast (though I dislike aubergines so this recipe was never going to get used), this vegetarian Wellington from the BBC website as well as this nut and spinach roast.

Whilst I've never actually paid much attention to Jamie Oliver, I was sent this Buzzfeed article on how to put together his vegan menu (you know veganism has went mainstream when Jamie Oliver is writing about it!). I however don't think his ideas are ground breaking and I've seen far nicer things on the internet by other vegans. However his vegan gravy recipe is worth pointing out as it's something that would be great to make if there's meat eaters and vegetarians and vegans all at the same table. My parents always just put on a vegetarian soup for starters and then we have separate mains before sharing a veggie dessert.

Have you decided on your Christmas day menu yet? Anything I've mentioned appeal to you? 

Morag x

P.S. I blog about this topic every year so remember to check out my 2011 post, my 2012 post and my 2013 post.