Christmas Dinner at Lamora Kitchen, West End

lamore glasgow ghnocchi

Just last week I mentioned how difficult it can be to navigate the festive period as a veggie/vegan type. When going out for Christmas dinner with a vegan meet-up group I can be comfortable I'll get something but when your employer announces their choice for this year's meal I can only cross your fingers.

Luckily this year my work chose Lamora Kitchen, an Italian restaurant in the Finnieston area of the West End of Glasgow. Before checking the menu I was already relieved as Italian cuisine is one of the easiest to work around and when I did check the menu I did let out a sigh of relief. Whilst they were serving Tacchino Arrosto ('traditional roast turkey with seasonal compliments') the rest of the menu was your average Italian menu with more than one veggie option (and you could select any pizza off the main menu).

Arrabbiata lamora glasgow

For starters I went for Gnocchi & Porcini al Pesto (potato dumplings with sautéed wild mushrooms and fresh basil pesto) followed by a mains of Penne Arrabbiata (pasta with chilli, garlic, tomato & herbs which you could also get with chicken). Both were fantastic and the arrabbiata was one of the spiciest I've eaten. I've mentioned before but just as a reminder I don't ask waiting staff if dishes are 100% vegan and only look for what appears to be vegan - I think the gnocchi might have had cream in it.

lamora glasgow sorbet

For dessert I went for Sorbetto al limone & menta (lemon & fresh mint sorbet). I loved this and gobbled it down but a few people who also picked it didn't quite agree. Go and make up your own mind ;)

Lamora also isn't a restaurant that is new to me either. When I first moved to Glasgow for work I stayed in a B&B nearby before my flat was ready and was a regular at the take-out section of their restaurant and bought a few pizzas from them. I'd recommend them back then and recommend them now.

Have you been to Lamora Kitchen? Where did your work go for their festive meal?

Morag x