A collection of gift guides by other bloggers

Guys, I had plans to do several gift guides and other Chritsmassy posts this year. I made a sterling effort last year (in my humble opinion) but life and stuff has cropped up this year. I posted a cruelty-free and independent beauty products guide last week and still have another gift-guide coming but don't hold onto your hats...it's practical and last minute ideas. Thankfully the blogging community has been actively inspiring each other with Crimbo ideas, and there's no shortage of gift-guides floating about. Here are some of my favourites!

If you have a bookworm to buy for check out the Tattooed Teadlady's book gift guide.

There's plenty of nice gifts I spotted for my own mum in Lianne's gift guide for mums.  

We all know I love indie and hand made, and this will be just the first of many giftguides which promote indie businesses. 

For any Secret Santa needs: gifts for under £10

Lis of Last Year's Girl was asked by Wow24/7 to put together a list of alternative albums to give to a music loving friend. 

If you've got anyone with dietary needs on your to-buy list then Sarah put together this Free From gift guide.

She also put together a natural and organic gift guide with beauty products and candles.

Charlotte has put together some hilarious personality-based gift guides for boss ass bloggers, netflix fans, crazy-cat ladies and bookish babes.

If you're a bit of a Grinch then Sheri has a gift-guide of top local talent and a guide for guys, which avoids anything spectacularly Chirstmassy.

Amber put together a massive gift-guide of green beauty products.

Holiday gift guide for him.

Tips on shopping small this Christmas from Wardrobe Conversations.

Morag x