Updates to my cruelty-free brand list

It's now just a few weeks to Christmas and things are getting a bit hectic so I wasn't able to contact as many brands this month. Like a lot of people I'm swept off my feet this time of year and this will probably be my last brand update this side of the new year. However, here is the status of the brands I blasted e-mails out to on the 9th of November.

Beriden Naturals

This is an American company with beautiful branding and some really attractive sounding products. Unfortunately their contact form didn't work and I contacted them via the e-mail address on their Facebook page, to which I had no reply (I'll re-contact this company in the future for sure though in case it was technical difficulties).

Added to: no statement

Figs and Rouge

This is a British lip balm company. I was put off by the mention of China on their stockists page however I have been assured that these sales are web based only and they do not have stockists within the country itself.

Added to: cruelty-free

Hannah & Hugh

This is a baby product company for any parents reading (or adults with sensitive skin) who got back to me with a re-assuring response.

Added to: cruelty-free


This is a company who did get back to me however they believe China has banned animal-testing (they have loosened their stance but it will take more to lift mandatory testing completely) and are looking into the market. It's only writing this now that I've been reminded to reply with some links, however for now they will be added to ambiguous.

Added to: ambiguous

Olive & Rose

A small British company who replied with a re-assuring statement. They also do parties in your house around Stockport if you live in the Manchester area and want an alternative to Body Shop parties.

Added to: cruelty-free

Pineapple Road

This is a small company based in Birmingham who make natural products, so the likelihood of them testing is slim. However I received no response so you know where they need to go.

Added to: no statement

Morag x