Stressed skin and Merumaya skincare

Merumaya skincare facial wash

As I've gotten older my teenage skin worries have subsided and I'm much less prone to break-outs and I only have very small blackheads on my nose. However nothing brings out the spots in me any more than a bit of stress. Things have been quite hectic in the past few months - some of it good busy, whilst some of it bad busy that I really cannot be bothered with. This blog post however is not to discuss my private life but to get down to some skincare.

A few weeks ago an independent skincare brand new to my radar got in contact to ask if I would be interested in having a facial in John Lewis in the Buchanan Galleries, one of the shops where their range is stocked. Whilst MeruMaya don't do facials their facialist came up to Glasgow to look at my skin and see which of their products would be most suited to my skin.

My skin was looking embarrassingly spotty that week, due to far too many things going on. I was recommended the Luxury Facial Wash* for my daily cleansing and also the Concentrated Spot Treatment* for when any spots did occur as I explained that my skin isn't consistently spotty but only during times of stress.

My stress levels are still very high and might be for some time yet (I need to chill, but some of the issues are outside my control). However these two products have definitely brought my spots down and my skin looks a loss let angry. I currently own quite a few cleansers but the MeruMaya Cleanser is the product I have been keeping in my shower for daily use whilst my other cleansers are rotated for my evening skincare regime. It's foams up nicely and you only need to use a tiny bit (the first time I used it I overestimated and it ended up right down me) and I have also used this to cleanse my chest and shoulders, where I have also seen a noticeable improvement.

The spot treatment is a product I use every now and then when my skin is looking especially angry. Admittedly at half seven in the morning I do sometimes forget to add it to my routine however I only need a tiny little bit (don't be alarmed by how small the tube is - this lasts a long time!) and I usually use it at night.

As the asterix shows I was given these two products as PR, however I have been especially impressed by the cleanser and I am very tempted to purchase it myself when I run out as it has become my daily cleanser with good reason. It is £14.50 itself which brings it in line with many of my favourite cleanser such as Lush Herbalism (which is cheaper but less uses in one tub), and is a great price when you realise I've tried £20 cleansers which have been useless (I'm looking at you Nude Cleanser).

Have you ever tried any of the MeruMaya range? Does you skin get extra spotty with stress?

Morag x