Online shopping for ethical Christmas presents

I'm aware that my fondness for ethical shopping can make me a slightly frustrating person to buy presents for. Between being cruelty-free, vegan, a feminist and a bit of a lefty I have a lot of businesses on my boycott list. And maybe you have someone like this in your life too (and if so you should introduce us). But I am today going to use my fussiness to help anyone who has a Morag-like person in their life that they need to buy something for.

I can't guess the personality of the person you're buying for and what would be a great gesture, so instead of creating a gift guide including specific products (even though they are fun) I've listed a bunch of websites for you to have a gander on. And from there you can determine if a vegan bubble bath or flower seeds which help increase the bee population would be a better gift.


Those of us involved in the cruelty-free community define cruelty-free our own individual way. I have my own approved list which anyone buying for me can check, however you'll need to find out your present-receivers personal preferences. If you're aware that they trust a particular certification then every brand page on CutECOsmetics has the various logos for the certifications they carry (for example, here's the Badger Balm page with the UDSA Organic and Leaping Bunny logos and the Skin Blossom page with the Vegan Society and Soil Association logos).


Yes, Etsy is getting added because everyone should shop on Etsy. Here's the result of an eco-friendly search.

Ethical Superstore

Everything can be bought here - from cereal to kitchenware to Christmas decorations. And for Christmas they have an ethical gift category.

Nigel's Eco Store

This store is very new to me and I've yet to purchase anything. However Nigel's Eco Store appears to covers everything from solar powered fairy lights to recycled pencils. And Nigel also has a gift section.


Another play on the word eco. Anyway, this is in a similar line to Nigel's Eco Store however it has less products but it also still has a gift section to try and find something of note.

Green Tulip

This is a site specifically finding an eco gift, rather than something for yourself. And it has a very handy feature to search for products of a certain ethic.

Eco Artware

I was hesitant to include this website as it's American, which means huge shipping costs for my mainly British readers. But some of the stuff is awesome as it is not just eco-friendly but created by some really talented artists. Have a look.

Not on the High Street

I think anyone who logs onto the internet now and then probably knows of NOTHS's existence. Whilst not specifically an eco-conscious shopping website, it does stock some eco-friendly brands. The search term 'eco-friendly' returns over 800 pages.

Do you have anyone a bit eco-conscious to buy for? Or do you always shop eco-conscious for your close ones?

Morag x

P.S. Image of the bag is from Not on the High Street.