Christmas decorating picks from Etsy

Last week I blogged about the absolutely beautiful range of Christmas decorations from Sterling Furniture however we all know I love to support an independent artist and business. With that, I hit up Etsy which is my favourite place to find something which isn't the usual. There are loads of stuff on offer but these are my top picks for this Christmas.

A tree

A tree is the first go-to when decorating but if like me you have a small space how about this small wooden one? If you're going for the more traditional pine tree and are looking for some bobbles but want to forego the ASDA ones Etsy always has some funky ones. My favourites are these eco-friendly paper ones, these fabric trees, these rustic wooden ones, these wooden animal decorations, these Star Wars ones, some other pop culture bubbles and these beautiful satin ones.  If you're a dab hand with a needle and wool then this pine cone pattern, this Christmas pudding pattern and this tree pattern are really cute. And if you want to cover the floor around the tree then I'd recommend this mermaid tree skirt or this more traditional ones with mittens or this ruffled one.


I make my cards each year but if unlike me you have a big family and would need to dedicate several nights to card making then Etsy have plenty on offer. For something slighty traditional (I use the term slighty here) there is this illustrated reindeer card, another reindeerthis driftwood card and a contemporary take on nativity scenes. For something more quirkier there are animals in winter jumpers, a pack of cards with illustrated pugs, some cards for you in the north of England, these illustrated designs from Scotland, cards for the Breaking Bad fan in your life, as well as this one and this one if you have a hot sauce lover in your life.

Other decorations

This log tea candle holder really caught my eye and would look perfect all autumn and winter, though this one is more specifically ChirstmassyThis tartan pillow cover would work most of the year but especially at Christmas, though this pillow cover that caught my eye would only work at Christmas. I've never been a mistletoe fan but I do like this glass version. If you like a drink at Christmas then there's this print for your wall as well as this one. Then there this tongue in cheek Santa sign. I ended up favouriting loads of wreaths but the ones that made the cut is this seaside one, this book one and this pinecone and robin one.

Wrapping presents

The local art shop always has lovely wrapping paper but if you don't want to risk buying the same as someone else here's a snowflake one and a reindeer scene that caught my eye. As for tags here are some if you like robins, some nice typography, some snowflakes, or something rustic. And if you have a kid in the house this personalised Santa sack would go down well.


If like me you can't get a real tree in, then a tree scented candle might be a good alternative. If you're big on Christmas cracker's and recycling this shop has a few recycled crackers to choose from. Then you could buy a reusable advent calender that you fill yourself (good for kids!). If you have a Samsung phone you get cheery with this phone cover. And if there's a baby in your life, help them get in the mood with this festive cloth nappy. Then once the baby is asleep drink some wine out of these frosted wine glasses.

Have you purchased all your Christmas decorations yet? What is your favourite thing in my selection?

Morag x

P.S. Perusing Etsy is a big pastime of mine and this only a selection of what I've bookmarked. If you want to look at it all then you can browse my Christmas favourites list.