The Linkables

Found here - contact if you know original source. 

America's gun laws baffle me but this piece highlights some of the issues of school shootings that really need addressed.

A quick look at sustainable alcohol brands.

I remember being about 16 when Britney had her breakdown and even at that age I understood this was a mental illness and wasn't something to be mocked. I'm now 23 and the same is happening to Amanda Bynes and this piece perfectly explains why we shouldn't be mocking celebrity breakdown.

Island in Scotland to be first 100% self-sustaining place on earth.

If you're hosting a party tonight have gander at Zoe's Halloween playlist to see what you can add to yer tunes

Cutting it really close - but here's a vegan food guide to Halloween (from a fantastic blog on the whole!)

Can I also be as bold to recommend my own Halloween Pinterest board for any other last minute ideas?

Best of Buzzfeed: pictures only Harry Potter fans will get.

Also found on Buzzfeed: mugs you need to drink out of.

I LOVED this from a new Green Party member, even though it is a bit heartbreaking: social justice, dignity and invisibility.

I'm a supporter of minority languages however this explains how I feel towards Gaelic being spoken about as if it is the only minority language.

The Friendly Fig is my newest plant-based blog find.

I found in the Guardian a story from 2010 in which Snoop Dogg was trying to star in Coronation Street (apparently he's a big fan!) and then this one from 2012 where he said he wanted Cheryl Cole to play his wife before he'd run off with Deidre (I had to check I wasn't reading The Onion).

Logo design fails. (somewhat NSFW, depends on your office)

I've not found an Android version but any netball fans who have iPhones might like this game on the app store.

Look, I do make an effort to ensure my digital footprint uses apostrophes correctly but I do get annoyed by grammar snobs for these very reasons. (From Everyday Feminism which you should be following anyway 'cause it's fucking amazing).

Sinead talks about her Glasgow-based jacket making course.

Avalanche of the Soul is a personal blog of a domestic abuse survivor, and contains her real-life experience as well as tips for escaping and moving on.

The products used aren't cruelty-free but this YouTube channel is great for learning about applying make-up.

However I stumbled upon this YouTube channel when looking for Halloween make-up and her blog has a cruelty-free statement (she's also UK based).

BBC accidentally filmed a tweet saying 'fuck off' to the Queen.

Important trivia: 16 things you didn't know about the Teletubbies (that show caused quite a few controversies!)

To GamerGate types, or general trolls: it's not censorship to ignore you.

But in a similar vein, or even opposing argument, I agree with this piece called The Culture of Shut Up.

Morag x