The Linkables

The most important reminder this week and in this week's Linkables: Her name was Reeva Steenkamp.

I know Halloween still needs to get out the way, but if you're a business owner you need to start planning for the Christmas period now (I'm already planning the gift guides that will be coming on mo'adore starting November).

In the post above, a brilliant guide to blogger outreach was linked which led to me discovering my new favourite blog for indie creative business types.

Turn your shower into a sanctuary

It might seem weird that I'm sharing this since I don't eat fish, but John Ross Ltd has a company blog which is a great example of content marketing when your product isn't all that glamorous.

A lovely vegan blog I found recently also has a gardening section.

10 skillshare lessons for bloggers,

One month on from the referendum here are some lessons from it which left-leaning people from across the globe can learn from.

If you're a bit of a renewables geek (like me) then the DECC are having a Renewable Heat Incentive Roadshow, and the first one is tomorrow in Edinburgh. 

Alternative rabbit hutch ideas.

A Tumblr showcase of the letterheads of various important people and organisations.

Some survey results on the varying opinions of the UK constituencies (some of the graphs highlight the difference in opinions between Scotland and England, one of the reasons I voted yes).

Quotes on shit (not literal shit, brick a brack shit)

Halloween nail art ideas.

Do you use the phrase 'do you let your partner wear that?'.

How typefaces got their names.

The best reply to a spammy business text ever. I almost puked laughing at the Naughty Otters bit.

Tutorial for Black Swan make-up.

A big guide on not being creepy and calling out creepy men for choosing to be creepy which includes this fantastic sentence: "Most people can tell when a cat or dog doesn’t want to be petted, but it’s suddenly impossible when it’s a lady you want to fuck?".

A heart breaking story of a low-wage worker in America.

And back to poverty in Scotland: there will be a Glasgow foodbank collection next week.

So rateable: 13 things people in laid-back relationships do.

Last minute Halloween costumes.

Lots of words on the word douchebag including race, feminism and comparison to hipsters.

Amsterdam will soon be home to a solar bike path!

Nobody seems particularly sure what GamerGate is (even Gamergate).

Related: Brianna Wu stands up to GamerGate.

Demonstrating with water how Pythagorean theorem works.

Morag x