The Linkables

I've been making my way through Alison Johnstone MSP's blog this week and it's a really good place for an introduction to green politics.

Through Alison's blog I did find out however about this blog written by the Gender and Politics Research Group at the University of Edinburgh if anyone is looking for academic writing on feminism.

Scottish Women's Aid have some job openings

Pumpkin decorating ideas that don't involve carving.

It's a bit personal but my four year #singleversary is around this time of year (I'm a former settler who's been in unhealthy relationships so it's a big deal to see how far I've come) and I thought I'd just highlight The Single Women which was a great source of wise words four years ago and Mandy Hale is still full of wise words to this day (and now even has a book!).

Ever noticed that music which isn't considered 'real music' is typically listened to by teenage girls?

Something that says something similar.

This piece on Lily Allen touches upon some racism in music that I had never spotted until it was pointed out to me.

Glastonbury bans the sale of Native American headdresses.

Ever wondered what the moon smells like?

Norway has released new banknotes and design blogs are loving them.

A blog tag I'm thinking of doing: the horror movie questions.

Earlier this week I read this post on an insulting sales e-mail a marketing company received, and this morning I found it in my blog's e-mail inbox! 

Best of Buzzfeed: 19 playgrounds that will haunt your nightmares and 29 fetch items every Mean Girls fan needs to own.

What sort of requests do magazine re-touchers get?

Ha! Yoga mantras for jerks.

I reckon there's gonna be a lot of Orange is the New Black costumes this year and if you're thinking about it here is a quick make-up guide for some of the characters.

I've not has a chance to read yet but Fitrovert is a fitness website for introverts.

Links, apps and advice for staying organised when you're self-employed in the creative field.

An open letter to parents who don't vaccinate their kids (from a women who's kid has cancer and can't come in contact with non-vaccinated kids)

Something for my recipe binder: vegan taco lasagne.

I'm beginning to really love Leanne Wood and here's a massive interview with her if you'd like to get to know the leader of Plaid Cymru as well.

I voted yes (as you know) but I realised an iScotland would have meant some changes for me as a marketer and blogger. This piece on SEO and Google comes across as Unionist however it is interesting (though I'd bang my head off the wall if someone believed these were serious enough reasons to vote no).

A really good piece from The Guardian about what's happened in Scotland since the no vote almost a month ago.

Some advice for men who work in tech to make the environment more women friendly.

Ha! Why the term 'social justice warrior' isn't really an insult.

Morag x