The Linkables

A Buzzfeed article on 17 things for vegans to eat in Glasgow was published this week featuring a picture taken by yours truly.

Lynsay of Miss West End Girl has a small guide on spooky things to do in Glasgow during Halloween.

For any Irish readers, here's a list of spooky things for you to get up to.

If you like chilli sauces here's a YouTube channel full of a guy reviewing different ones.

I stumbled upon an article about 50+ ways to re-purpose old blog content and then discovered the entire site it is written on is fabulous for anyone involved in content marketing.

If you fancy learning a bit of Scots then you can learn a bit of it with Oor Willie.

I'm not the only person who thinks Dundee has bags of culture.

More on Dundee: the gathering.

Yet more Dundee news: it's getting a new health food shop right in the city centre!

And I'll shut up about Dundee in a second once I point you in the direction of Oxjam where people host intimate gigs in their own living rooms.

Edinburgh now: one of the founders of my old university dance team (who returned to choreograph out first competition piece) is now starting her own contemporary dance class.

See what inspires these seven female CEO's each morning.

I doubt I'd play computer games even if I didn't but my phobia has meant a lot of games are out for me (and also people need to be careful playing them near me) but I discovered a site called GamePhobias this week which documents which games are safe for people with all kinds of triggers.

I don't agree with everything in this but I think it raises some good points about how miss-used trigger warnings are. (I take issue with how the writer tries to talk on behalf of everyone with a phobia).

Also don't agree with everything in this but I think this is generally good relationship advice for both sexes (and for both hetero couples and gay couples).

A great piece on Racialicious about street harassment.

Another reason not to vote Tory: they might bring back fox hunting.

And the next UK General election could be interesting due to a certain increase in support for a certain Green Party (and, ehem, UKIP).

There's a sitcom called Selfie.

For all my Etsy fan-girls (or boys) who are always on the hunt for something different how about jewellery made using concrete?

What's making me cry with laughter on Buzzfeed right now: 26 times Tumblr had serious questions about Harry Potter.

In a similar lol-worthy vein.

Taking screenshots of everything on a website not just what's on the screen.

Some wise words on working for free. (I'd also chuck in that many of the people I went to university who worked for free - including myself - did it because we had parents who funded us and we didn't need to work a 20 hours a week for actual pay)

I was pinning Halloween stuff which then led to Christmas stuff which then led to Hanukkah stuff. I don't do anything for the last one but if you do this board, this board and this board are lovely.

And, create your own gifs!

Morag x