The Linkables

First off, Helen of Tea in the Tub has named me as her Blogger of the Month - go check her out!

I think it's fantastic to give blood but did you know your pooch can also give blood through this charity?

Wanting to learn more about offshire wind power? Dong Energy have launched a new information website alongside their campaign.

So Iceland are having a feminist conference where - wait for it - only men are invited

Vintage Roots is a new wine website I found for your fairtrade, veggie and ethical wine needs.

I live in a rented flat where my room was already purple so I rolled with that for my en-suite, though if I owned a house I'd certainly be eyeing up something neon.

I think the supernatural is fascinating and I think human sexuality is fascinating, but not quite feeling ghost sex,...

Just what your house needs: Turkish rugs with song lyrics woven into them.

A house DIY project I am tempted to try (thought the student twats in my building will probably steal it)

How to grow micro greens in winter.

For all you Netflix fans (which will be, like, everyone) here are some hacks.

8 things you need to stop apologising for told in a LOL-worthy fashion.

I'm not sure I agree with this argument entirely (though I believe there are better ways to discipline a child than spanking) but I think it is food for thought (NSFW, because it highlights that spanking is also a sex act).

Mainstream society still says women, by default, want kids and the child-free voices are getting louder but what about women who really aren't sure at all?

6 things to do to your Wordpress website every month.

The savvy Scot explains why unlimited holidays announced by Richard Branson may not be a good thing

Why do rappers (and other musicians) put on fake accents?

10 karaoke songs for people who can't sing (that will be me then).

October events happening in Dundee.

I've dipped in and out of Indie Chicks before but this week I've been delving through the archives and I am loving their Love+Sex section. Modern and healthy dating advice I can get behind (and y'all know how much I love to preach what makes a relationship healthy)

Fancy ways to eat toast.

Chelsea has been exploring organic farms in Europe and currently has some beautiful pictures of the English countryside on her blog (which is giving me wanderlust as I have weirdly visited more American cities than English ones).

If you know a class-privileged person who can't check their privilege then this is an amazing post that I think could help them see it. (I used to not be able to check my own class-privilege properly until two years ago, and it's from this experience that I say this post is good!)

I have had people all up in my face about allergy sufferers who have to limit their diet rather than pesky fuckers like me who choose to be picky, so I loved Sarah's post on living with both and wanting the allergies forced upon her and the vegetarianism she has chosen to both be respected.

Lastly, Birds-eye views of NYC over the years.

Morag x