The Linkables

Tomorrow is International Casset Store Day  and Lis Ferla of Last Year's Girl has asked some Scottish music labels and bloggers what their plans are.

A vegan feminist analysis of Milk Gone Wild (needs a trigger warning due to details of animal slaughter and sexualising women)

A quick message for male feminist allies.

Otters are just the cutest and here is a video of one eating its food properly at a dinner table.

Scotland’s renewable industry issues new devo-demands over energy

A reminder that yes voters weren't crazy nationalists, they were people wanting change from neo-liberal ideas.

Related: images of yes voters the mainstream media didn't show you.  (As a personal note, most of the non-Scottish born voters I knew were yes voters)

It was hearing Zara Kitson speak that finally broke through my fears and got me to see the benefits of a yes vote, here she reflects on the no vote from last week.

I've not checked the cruelty-free status but here's a company that allows you to create your own custom bath soak.

A physical interpretation of bragging.

The Caledonia is a new Scottish newspaper due to be released soon.

For my babes in the North-West of England, here's a new blog in pursuit of pretty northern things

16 thrifty autumn date ideas.

It's aimed at people who earn three times what I do but Secret Escapes run a pretty nifty company travel blog. Albeit it for rich people.

10 quirky tours that will make you ditch the car.

Amber has been running an Organic September series where she posts daily explaining different aspects of organic beauty. Well worth a read.

Take a selfie and get drawn like a French girl (because there's an app for that!)

I really loved Emma Watson's speech but I had an issue with it (and the HeForShe campaign) which I couldn't quite explain but this post definetly helped make it a bit clearer (cause I have, for a while, had a bit of an issue with celebrity feminism).

I'm not sure if people can see this (I have a mutual friend with this person on Facebook) but this does sum up how I feel about the 45 campaign.

8 vegetables you only have to buy once and then can keep re-growing.

A round-up of items on Etsy which make use of Mean Girls quotes.

A round-up of really good round-up of blogging tips that aren't the usual.

Who to follow on Instagram if you like minimalism.

I've said it before but one of the reasons I voted yes was because working class people were more likely to and I couldn't ignore the reasons why. The voting patterns after also proved that deprived areas were more likely to say yes whilst affluent areas said no.

Laci Green's open letter to Sam Pepper

I've been re-visiting my resolutions recently to see how I'm getting on with them, and apparently I'm not the only person who's been thinking about this.

Nail treatments explained.

Photo of plants winning the battle against abandoned buildings.

A YouTube video on how to style band tees.

A read on women in country music.

Tips for taking photos on a camera.

Cull Tories, not Badgers (I agree)

100 ways to reduce stress.

One blogger was invited to spend the last few moments of the Yes Scotland campaign in their digital communications office. 

A comic explaining sexual harassment and control.

Annnnnd, 10 foreign words we need in English.

Morag x