The Linkables #IndyRef special

It's long and truthfully a bit boring but for-love-of-Pete read the White Paper.

The same goes for the draft Constitution.

I'm not a fan of either of the two main campaign groups but Yes Scotland and Better Together have loads of information on their websites.

Remember that the SNP aren't the only party in favour of a yes vote, the Scottish Green Party also support it.

As do the Scottish Socialist Party.

There's also Indies for Indy made up of two MSP's who don't belong to any party!

And some traditional Labour voters support independence, and well as people who tend to vote Liberal Democrat.

Also Wealthy Nation is a group of people on the right of the political spectrum who support independence.

Reminder: It was the UK government that decided to not have the devo max option on the ballot.

Here's something in the Herald which says the same thing.

And again from Socialist Worker.

As far as mainstream media goes The Guardian independence section has been the most fair (not perfect, but better than the others).

Arguments that should die from the Scottish independence debate (both sides)

Five Million Questions is a resource I found this week launched by the University of Dundee.

LGBT Yes release their 'rainbow paper' in support of a yes vote.

This is LGBT Together's statement (can't find a paper per se)

My friend Charlotte has been doing her own series on Scottish independence on her blog (she has told me she may have one more post coming) and even though it looks as though we might vote different ways she was one of two people I felt comfortable discussing the topic with.

I've shared this before but it's still one of my favourites: Scotland isn't different, it's Britain that is bizarre.

Bright Green is a progressive political blog/magazine that has a section on Scotland.

I've not had time to really look through it but for any English people living in Scotland: English Scots for Yes.

In a similar vein: Wales for Yes and Irish for Yes.

Also a Facebook page for EU residents living in Scotland who are pro-Indy.

This Guardian article was posted around about the time I was losing grip of my Unionist beliefs and it still cites the reasons better than I could.

One of the reasons I've been tempted to vote yes is because I feel like Better Together/Westminster are bullying us to stay, this blog post compares their behaviour to that an abusive relationship.

The Scottish LinkedIn, KILTR, has been running events and various other types of discussions and the site is full to the brim of food for thought.

A perfect response to the Better Together advert.

A unionist blog where I can understand where they're coming from.

Though here is something regarding central banks and EU member states.

Sweary but funny: the fucking referendum.

A former NATO commander has said that an iScotland's future in NATO would be questionable but then a former UK NATO ambassador has said it shouldn't be affected and that she is voting yes.

Stock market analysts back Salmond on oil.

An American podcast of the referendum is incredibly informative.

This is pretty much the text version of the link above.

One of the industry magazines I get at work had a segment on Scotland Decides relating to the utility industry, I've uploaded the PDF so other people can get it for free.

Scottish Energy News also have an independence section which has been fairly balanced.

Women for Independence doesn't have much information/analysis but has stories from women about why they are voting yes.

I'm yet to read it but The Wee Blue Book is the guide from Wings Over Scotland. (I can't pick a favourite post from this blog and instead I'll recommend that you should go right through the archives yourself).

I've also not had the chance to read Blossom by Lesley Riddoch but have heard pro-yes people speak highly of it.

A big demographic trend in voting habits has been class.

From earlier this year: The Financial Times stating that there's no financial reason Scotland couldn't go it alone.

I've not been overally impressed with what National Collective has written but this piece about the difference between Britishness and the British State hit a cord.

I disagree with the term 'England' being used (I use the term Westminster) but here is a letter from a Finnish national who has spent time in Scotland.

It's a paid event but Lawyers4Yes are having a panel debate on Tuesday in Edinburgh.

If you live in the Wrexham area there will be a talk about Scottish independence from a Welsh perspective.

There's a London for Yes event tomorrow.

There's now a Yesbar in Glasgow and they are having a DJ's for Yes event on Sunday.

I can't agree with the rhetoric 'if Scotland had been an independent nation' cause we don't know, but I loved the part about proving Scotland does pay it's way!

Someone's story about why they are voting yes.

Won't get English TV or BBC in an independent Scotland? Here's the Republic of Ireland TV guide. Looks, is that Emmerdale?

I can't speak German but I think I'm on the Swiss TV guide website and I'm sure I can the BBC logo. It's definitely a foreign website with the BBC logo on it regardless.

Other places use the pound too.

Strong words in a Japanese website about Scottish independence.

The Green Party leader in England and Wales explains why a yes vote would be good for the rest of the UK.

Tracking the independence voting by postcode (the distribution doesn't surprise me in the slightest).

If you're looking for a Yes Group near you: Yes Glasgow, Yes - Glasgow Cathcart, Yes Aberdeenshire, Yes Dundee, Yes Aberdeen, Yes Orkney, Yes Shetland, Yes Shettleston, Yes Perth & Kinross, Yes Edinburgh, Yes Edinburgh West, Yes Edinburgh Central, Yes Borders, Yes Dumfries & Galloway, Yes Clarkston, Yes Fintry, Yes Kirkaldy, Yes East RenfrewshireYes North East Fife, Yes Dunfermline and West Fife, Yes Lesmahagow, Yes Islay, Yes Highlands & Islands, Yes North AyrshireYes Moray, Yes Inverclyde, Yes Giffnock, Yes Inverurie, Yes Midlothian, Yes Livingston and probably many many more.

And the Better Together groups: Better Together Shetland, Better Together Orkney, Better Together Aberdeen, Better Together Dundee, Better Together Dumfries & Galloway, Better Together Dunbartonshire, Better Together East Ayrshire, Better Together East Lothian, Better Together Moray, Better Together Inverness, Better Together GlasgowBetter Together Perth, Better Together Lanarkshire, Better Together Scottish Borders, Better Together Dumfries & Galloway, Better Together Livingston, Better Together Lewis & Harris, Better Together Inverclyde and probably many more.

And for closing, the independence debate told through arty posters.


Some non #IndyRef links that will go out of date if they don't get shared now:

The Glasgow School of Art Graduate Showcase is starting tomorrow.

Some words on not looking at naked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence.

Some more words on not looking at naked pictures of Jennifer Lawrence.

Morag x

P.S. This is biased towards the Yes vote but I urge everyone no matter what their guts say to do plenty of research and go in there on Thursday and cast an educated vote. I know people on both sides who can't seem to get basic facts straight (like the estimated date of independence, or that the Green Party support yes). It's a complex issue with plenty of reading to do and I urge you find more links than just the ones above (and send them my way too!)